Chapter 138: It must be Cheng Xingzhi who asked Weiwei for help_1

They had figured out by now what was going on.

Zhou Sicheng, just like the crowd that had gathered, couldn't accept the fact that Weiwei had left, "How could my Little Cutie Weiwei have left?"

He had been delayed for a little while and had missed the chance for a live interaction with Weiwei?

Wen Jing repeated crossly what she had just told Yan Zao, "She was driven away by the cousin-in-law."

Hearing this, Zhou Sicheng's accusatory gaze turned toward Lan Mu, "How could you do this?"

Zu He was even more agitated; after all, he had seen Weiwei in person on his last trip to the Capital, unlike today, when he had missed his first chance.

With gritted teeth, he pointed at Lan Mu, "You're too much!"

Facing accusations from all directions, Captain Lan still appeared somewhat composed.

His gaze fell on Yan Zao.

In the depths of his eyes, a flicker of hidden hope.

Yan Zao said with a cold face, "Lan Mu, you drove away the guest I invited. You clean up this mess."