Chapter 142: One Day, I Will Take Back Mrs. Lan's Position_1

She could never accept Yan Zao as her daughter-in-law, the girl who publicly dated boys.

Yu Yesang hung her head slightly, too upset to speak, while Li Sufen sighed, "This time I really can't help you."

Yu Yesang nodded gently, her voice soft, "Auntie, I know, it's because I didn't do well enough."

Seeing her like this, Li Sufen couldn't bear to scold her anymore, "I'm going back first."

She couldn't eat anymore.

The people who had come with her had already left.

Li Sufen stood up to leave, and Yu Yexiao hurried after her, trying to persuade her to stay, "Madam Chairwoman, please stay and finish your meal."

"I can't eat anymore."

Li Sufen didn't even look at Yu Yexiao; her mind was nowhere near food.

Yu Yesang watched Li Sufen's retreating figure, the resentment and discontent hidden in her eyes gradually surfacing.

Clenching her teeth!

Yan Zao, the humiliation you've caused me today, I will surely repay you tenfold another day.