Chapter 157 Aren't you Married?_1

He flung his hand away, assuming the authority of Chairman Lan.

No one likes to be threatened in this world, especially Yan Zao. Her complexion changed, and just as she was about to speak, a familiar male voice suddenly came from behind, "If this store is making so much money, why shut it down?"

Yan Zao turned her head in surprise.

Lan Mu, dressed in a white T-shirt with purple accents, walked down from upstairs with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black sweatpants, wearing a puzzled expression on his handsome face.

His words... They were surely on her side, right?

Yan Zao was uncertain about what Lan Mu meant by picking up on Lan Guodong's statement.

Suddenly, she felt uneasy.

If he was here to plead on Yu Yesang's behalf, she hoped he would never speak up, and she just stood there.

Don't come any closer to her.