Chapter 172: Grandpa Lan is Grandpa Lan_1

After all, it's a friendly match organized by Suzhou TV Station and the provincial satellite TV, so we should give them some face.

"You guys handled this matter improperly, and I haven't held you accountable yet, you're blaming me?" Lan Mu raised an eyebrow, looking as if he was ready to pursue the matter further.

Zhou Sicheng: "Uh..."

Zu He didn't even want to open his mouth.

Lan Mu is always Lan Mu. When he doesn't want to be reasonable, he's domineering and tyrannical, but when he does, he lays out all the rules clear as day.

Nitpicking over every word.

Damn it!

Zhou Sicheng felt helpless and asked, "Just tell me, are you really determined to drop out of the competition?"

Lan Mu didn't beat around the bush and nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

"Fine by me."

Zhou Sicheng clenched his teeth, pointing at Lan Mu as he nodded, "Fine by me!"

He was holding back anger, his complexion awful.