Chapter 175 Idiot_1

Yan Zao found it amusing and consoled him, "Don't worry, I'll buy you some facial cream later, and you'll be fine once you use it."

A big guy who is already so handsome, yet fusses over such minor details, how can most women bear it?

Lan Mu made a face of disgust, "Such a hassle, I don't need it."

He picked out the scallions from the stir-fried dish, added a tiny bit to his mouth, and chewed slowly with his eyelashes lowered.

Wen Jing, who had been focused on eating, suddenly looked up and said with a smile, "Natural Hall has a men's skincare product that covers toner, lotion, and essence in one bottle. It's not troublesome at all, just apply it after washing your face. It's called... called..."

Struggling to remember, she finally recalled, "Dragon Blood Dew, right!"

She was as enthusiastic as a salesperson.

Yan Zao looked at her with a bemused frown, "You really are a die-hard fan of Natural Hall. It's a waste that you don't work as a salesperson for them."