Chapter 181 Let's Take a Bath Together_1

She gets a little color and thinks she can start a dye workshop, overestimating herself.

Her face suddenly turned cold, without hesitation, she walked over to the trash can and threw the bag inside.

What was she thinking, buying him something? It's just humiliating herself, next time she gets the urge to do something stupid, she should slap herself first.

Idiot, not worth it!

She didn't even glance at the trash can as she turned around, took her water cup, and went downstairs. She turned on the small light in the living room, sat on the couch in the dim light for a while until her eyelids started to fight, and then she went upstairs.

When she returned to her room, intending to grab some clothes and head to the guest room to shower and sleep, she heard the clanging sounds from the bathroom and knew Lan Mu must be inside.