Chapter 187: Who did you learn from?_1

Upon hearing this, Yan Zao turned her head innocently to look at the man behind her picking up clothes, "Do you need details down to the actions and frequency?"

Lan Mu: "..."

His face darkened again, and as he looked into the girl's clear eyes, he couldn't hold back anymore, "Get out!"

Who taught her to be such a hooligan?

As this question crossed Lan Mu's mind, his expression suddenly turned grim. Bending down, he reached out to lift the blanket off Yan Zao, swept a glance at the bedsheet, his ten fingers clenching so tightly that the nails dug into his flesh.

Feeling the suddenly icy aura, Yan Zao grew somewhat afraid, her eyes looking at Lan Mu without understanding.

Lan Mu's face was overcast, and without a word, he took the clothes and left with a cold expression.

His heavy footsteps seemed to step on Yan Zao's heart, making her feel especially uneasy, not understanding why Lan Mu suddenly turned hostile.