Chapter 197: Like a Dream_1

Lan Mu snorted contemptuously, "It's a waste not to use your thick skin to build city walls."

Yan Zao, wearing a thin nightgown, walked past Lan Mu, the scent of shower gel wafting past his nose.

Yan Zao knew Lan Mu was saying she had a thick face. She turned her head, eyebrows raised in amusement, "Have you ever used your skin to do that?"

Otherwise, how would he know thick skin could be used to build walls?

Her lips hooked on one side, her retort was as rebellious as a child in their defiant phase. Lan Mu gritted his teeth and charged forward, grabbing Yan Zao and pinning her down on the bed.

"All you know is how to talk back to me!"

Yan Zao struggled for a bit then gave up.

As their eyes met, both their expressions froze in surprise.

Lan Mu's grip loosened slightly. Yan Zao's fingers twitched, and her face flushed with color, spreading to her neck.

She seized the chance to shake off Lan Mu's hands, "Lan Mu, get off me."