Chapter 199: You Should Go Back and Study Hard_1

That calling of "sister-in-law" echoed in Yan Zao's ears, and she blurted out a command, "Wait a minute."

The two men in black simultaneously halted their steps and turned back to nod politely to Yan Zao, "We've disturbed you, Mrs. Lan."

Then they continued to escort Zhong Feifei towards the door.

They were just like emotionless robots.

Yan Zao hurried after them, stepping out the door to question them in a challenging tone, "If you take someone away from my house like this, who will be responsible if something happens?"

Hearing that she seemed willing to help, Zhong Feifei's eyes lit up, playing along with her, "Exactly."

One of the men in black nodded to Yan Zao, "Mrs. Lan, we are Miss Feifei's bodyguards. Mr. Zhong sent us to bring back Miss Feifei."

All the while, they kept a firm grip on Zhong Feifei, as if afraid she would run away.

It seemed that this wasn't the first time such a situation had occurred.

This girl was a 'habitual offender'.