Chapter 211 If She Died in That Fire_1

Yu Yesang staggered backward as Wen Jing pushed her, just as a server was coming by with a tray of hot soup, colliding with her unexpectedly.


Yu Yesang's elbow knocked into the tray's bowl of soup, and cries of alarm erupted from several places.

The server instinctively let go and dodged backward, hopping several steps away.

The tray fell to the ground, splattering soup all over.


"Sister Sangsang."

In an instant, Zu He, Zhou Sicheng, and Zhong Feifei all rushed towards Yu Yesang, each of their faces turning pale with fright.

The freshly served hot soup made Yu Yesang's arm look frighteningly red, the unbearable pain causing her to furrow her brow, grit her teeth, and tremble continuously.

Her face was as pale as paper.

Zu He went over and hugged Yu Yesang tight, "Sangsang."