Chapter 215 How much do you hate me?_1

Lan Mu opened his hands, stared down blankly, and wondered when he started caring so much about Yan Zao.

Since she came back, after their marriage?

No… no, he felt it started even earlier.

Cheng Xingzhi's voice suddenly came from ahead again, "Lan Mu, if there was any other way, you wouldn't need to bother yourself with this."

Not even his harsh tone could hide the helplessness and heartache within.

After he finished speaking, he didn't look at Lan Mu again, resumed walking, and left without turning back.


Wen Jing found out from Zhou Sicheng that Yu Yesang's injuries were not very serious—she got blisters, but with proper recovery, the chances of scarring were slim.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

After hanging up Wen Jing's call, Yan Zao sat on the balcony, where the night breeze of the season was still warmly embracing. She looked out at the thousand homes alight, feeling isolated in her desolation.