Chapter 219 She Once Considered This Place Her Dream_1

She was already overweight and became so out of breath with anger that she couldn't speak, her finger pointing at Yan Zao, her lips trembling.

On her face, just like Yan Zao, five finger marks swelled up.

Li Sufen, while taking care of Yu Yesang, said to Lan Sizhen, "Go tell the old master so he can see for himself the good granddaughter-in-law he's chosen."

Then, gritting her teeth, she glared at Yan Zao.

She wanted to seize the opportunity to get rid of Yan Zao because Zhong Feifei's mother had died early, and Lan Sizhen was the old master's only daughter. Although he always disparaged her, deep down he was very fond of her. The very fact that he allowed her to marry three times and divorce three times without letting her suffer the slightest grievance in her marital home was proof of that.

If the old master knew that Yan Zao had hit Lan Sizhen, he would probably be furious, no matter how fond he was of her.