Chapter 230: I'm Afraid Of My Wife; I Need Her Agreement_First

He spoke methodically, "Although Yan Zao did act in self-defense, he still hit someone and sent them to the hospital. The school must give him some punishment, right? Otherwise, how can we appease the parents?"

After finishing his statement, his gaze quickly shifted to Yan Yuanjing.

Yan Yuanjing immediately nodded, "The principal is right. I accept the punishment."

How big is a school building? It's impossible for one person to clean it in a day, let alone for a month.

Yan Zao frowned, not quite understanding what Yan Yuanjing was thinking. Was this guy brain-damaged?

Or does he not have a brain at all?

This kid... Lan Mu clenched his teeth as he looked at Yan Yuanjing, wanting to scold him. But then he felt the softness and warmth of the hand he was holding and suppressed his anger towards Yuanjing.

His eyes turned to the principal, "What do you want me to do?"