009 Alas, it's the feeling of heart palpitations_1

Chi Yue worried herself sick over money issues. Ironically, at this very moment, the school had an indestructible cockroach—an infatuated man named Duan Chengcheng, who had confessed his love to her in the auditorium.

Day after day, he switched up his tactics, confessing his love for her in 360 degrees of styles—waving the banner of romance to carry out harassment. He would appear everywhere Chi Yue went, bringing flowers, gifts, and even creating new accounts to send her friend requests...

He exhausted every method Chi Yue considered childish.

In the end, he wrote her a letter with deep and tender feelings,

"No matter what kind of woman you are, I will never disdain you... I don't care what others say, I only want you. This life, I only want you, no one can replace your place in my heart, Chi Yue, even if I'm alone, I will keep our grave-to-cradle promise..."


Wang Xueya, who got to share the love letter, couldn't stop laughing.

"Does this guy have delusions or what?"

He didn't disdain Chi Yue, but did he ever consider that Chi Yue might disdain him?

"Genius! Genius!" said Wang Xueya, holding the love letter, "What should we do with this?"

"Post it on the school's bulletin board." Chi Yue replied, not lifting her head as she squatted on the ground packing goods.

"What?" Wang Xueya gaped, "Isn't that a bit too damaging to his self-esteem?"

"—"Chi Yue paused for two seconds.

"Post it!"


The love letter posted on the school's bulletin board once again drew criticism towards Chi Yue.

Heartless, merciless, inhumane.

It is human nature to sympathize with the underdog, often obscuring right from wrong. Duan Chengcheng's "devoted lover persona" had many automatically casting him as the weaker party, giving him a moral platform, thinking Chi Yue arrogant, conceited, and unbearably haughty...

"Even if you don't like him, it's wrong to trample on someone's feelings."

"Duan Chengcheng is also a top student from the aviation school, he's a good guy, what is she playing at?"

"What is she playing at? Her target is Elder Brother Qiao, she aims to become a phoenix and ascend to the highest branches, how could she notice a Duan Chengcheng?"

Most of those criticizing Chi Yue were girls.

Directing a rather bizarre hatred towards her.

Especially after hearing that Duan Chengcheng had not eaten for an entire day because of this, the rumors and gossip grew even more scathing.

Chi Yue, however, turned a deaf ear, focusing on attending classes, making deliveries, managing the online store, and strategizing for Wang Xueya's upcoming competition.

She was too busy.

Too busy to concern herself with these childish antagonisms.

In the meantime, Zheng Xiyuan had called her three times, persistent as if he wouldn't take no for an answer.

However, the more he persisted, the more Chi Yue dared not agree.

She didn't believe that Qiao Dongyang was interested in any first-hand data; she only believed that the petty and scheming man was plotting some new scheme to mess with her.

Chi Yue was on guard in every way she could imagine, but she did not expect to see Qiao Dongyang again so soon.

And in such an embarrassing situation, no less!


The summer rains always come quickly and fiercely.

On the day of Major Heat, the sky, which had been oppressively hot for a whole week, finally began to rain.

When Chi Yue left the house, she didn't bring an umbrella. She wore a long skirt that reached her ankles, which looked beautiful when dry but, once drenched by the downpour, left her looking like a drowned rat. The wet hem of her skirt kept tripping her, and she couldn't even take a step properly.

She looked down to pull at her skirt, seeking a place to take shelter from the rain.

In the corner of her eye, a shadow flickered.

Chi Yue reflexively looked up—

There stood Duan Chengcheng, his face haggard, pale and grim, but his eyes strangely alit with a severe longing.

"Chi Yue, please agree to be with me. I'm begging you."

Was this the attitude of someone begging?

Chi Yue felt his plea sounded more like a threat.

After a moment of silence, Chi Yue smiled and slowly straightened up.

"What do you like about me?"

Duan Chengcheng: "You're beautiful. Sexy. You fulfill all my fantasies of a woman."

Chi Yue didn't speak for quite a while.

Liking someone isn't wrong, but to harass them until they detest you is.

"So, what if I don't agree? What are you prepared to do?"

She was certain that Duan Chengcheng, having laid low for three days and begun tailing her again, choosing to show up at such a place, must have had a new plan in mind…

Indeed, the location was very secluded. Especially when a downpour hit, there were even fewer pedestrians on the street.

Chi Yue looked around and said with a slow, amused voice, "This place is quite suitable for committing a crime."

Duan Chengcheng was stunned by her words, "You… you know?"

Chi Yue lowered her gaze to the hand he had tucked in his pocket, "Know what? You planning to take us both down?"

Her excessive calmness shocked Duan Chengcheng, and such a complete defeat in terms of presence struck a heavy blow to his young and impulsive heart. His arm trembled slightly in the torrential rain, and his voice became agitated.

"You woman, you woman, are you not afraid at all? Do you not have a heart?"


Chi Yue snorted coldly.

Unexpectedly, she took two steps forward, closing the distance with Duan Chengcheng.

"Not only do I not have a heart. If you harass me again, I'll beat you so bad even your mom won't recognize you, believe it or not?"


Duan Chengcheng took a step back.

He was at a loss for words for quite a while.

He was the one who came to trouble her...

He was supposed to be the dominant party, right?


Why had it turned out like this?

All his dignity had been trampled into shreds by her!

"Chi Yue!" Duan Chengcheng mustered his breath, as the remnants of his male pride finally burst forth in indignation. He pulled out a tightly clenched fist from his pocket, flinging it around in rage as he glared at her like a snarling monster: "Today, you only have two choices, one is to obediently become my girlfriend, the other is… we die together."

Chi Yue was somewhat surprised.

She had thought he had a knife in his pocket.

Turns out it was just a trembling fist.

"Ha!" Chi Yue scoffed disdainfully at him, slowly lifting her overly long skirt, tying it into a knot to reveal her slim, pale legs, and posed ready to fight, "Save that line for after you've knocked me down!"



The sky was a dark shade of blue-black.

The only sounds in the space were breathing and rain.

Duan Chengcheng looked at her legs, his pride wounded to the core, his wide-open mouth agape, his slightly bulging eyes reflecting both pity and embarrassment.

Of course, Chi Yue with her skirt hoisted wasn't looking very elegant either…

"Come on! You wimp!"

After a moment of standoff, Duan Chengcheng finally took the first step, his eyes brimming with murderous intent—

"Lord Qiao, there's a man bullying a woman."

"Lord Qiao, this is not a place to linger!"

An endearing, child-like voice rang out as a black sports car came speeding by.

The water splashed up by the car's wheels drenched Chi Yue.


She narrowed her eyes and glared over, only to see Qiao Dongyang, who seemed to be enjoying the scene, through the half-open car window.

By his side was a small robot, its large sapphire-blue eyes whirring, looking lively and cute like a chibi astronaut.

"Oh no, it's the feeling of a heartbeat! Lord Qiao! She's a great beauty! Estimated height 168, measurements 90, 61…"

"Tengu!" Qiao Dongyang's head ached, he couldn't help but rub his forehead, "Do you want to die?"

"To die under a peony flower would be a romantic way to go even as a ghost."

Qiao Dongyang: "..."

Chi Yue: "..."