163 Whoever cheats gets caught!_1

The broadcast of Starwalker would resume tomorrow. Today, in the afternoon, the star players were all set to leave the hotel and board the buses prepared by the production team to head to Aerospace City, readying themselves for tomorrow's training and contest.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, downstairs at the Jiqiu Grand Hotel, several buses lined up as the contestants, carrying their luggage, came down one after another and boarded the buses.

Chi Yue and Wang Xueya stood upstairs in the hotel, watching everyone leave from behind the window.

"Moonlight." Wang Xueya turned her head to look at her, noticed she hadn't moved, and gently tugged at her arm. "Why are you taking sick leave? Is there still something bothering you?"

That morning before leaving, she had applied medicine on Chi Yue's knee. The sight of her scraped skin had pained her for a long time, and now, seeing her in a troubled mood, she was even more concerned.