353 Who knows who is silly_1

Having returned to Shen City, Chi Yue was not surprised to encounter Dong Shan.

What she hadn't expected, though, was to find her waiting at the door of Qiao Dongyang's cottage.

Just like Yu Feng waiting at the entrance of Lunar Bay, in the chilly early winter breeze, Dong Shan stood with the poise of a mother, her eyes emanating compassion, her expression graceful and smiling, her gentle warmth soothing the quiet cottage.

"Aunt Dong!"

Chi Yue greeted her with a smile.

Dong Shan also smiled, a picture of elegance and grace.

The transformation in this woman was crystal clear.

After she moved out of the home she shared with Qiao Zhengchong and settled into her little house, propped up her easel, and donned the dresses she loved, she had become Dong Shan, not Mrs. Qiao Zhengchong. Gone were the timidity and caution, and she glowed with new-found brilliance.

The question in Chi Yue's mind, "How have you been doing recently?" no longer needed asking.