Prologue V (The Clash & Escape)

The Ogwannys approached Minuscle with full speed. The ones in front mindlessly flew at the protective force field surrounding Minuscle, bringing them to their end. The others halted after witnessing what the foolishness of their brethren cost them.

"Great lord Odin-aka, the crystal covering surrounding the planet has ended 20% of our troops, we look up to you for the next action". The Ogwanny in charge of the troops announced in a voice full of terror.

" Tell everyone to move to a safe distance, I'll deal with the shield ". Odin-aka replied. He moved into the rays of Minuscle star (Cont), enabling him to draw energy through his body, into his staff. The staff stated to spin violently as it heated up, suddenly a hot beam was produced heading straight for Minuscle's shield. After about 15 minutes, the force field turned yellow, then it started to redden gradually. After another 15 minutes of waiting, the Ogwannys already discouraged, the shield turned blood red and explored with great outward impact, killing another 10% of the Ogwannys even though they were far away.

The soldiers of the Gard clan had already stationed themselves, ready for the Ogwannys, when the shield started reddening and then exploding. Every single one of the Minusces froze in shock as the shield that has protected the all their life shattered right before their eyes.

" Sir Ridin,, the...hmmn, the shield just exploded...sir". 1st Sergeant Hurns said in confusion.

"Yeah, we are all aware". Ridin said, trying to block out fear from his voice. " Don't be frightened, just hold them back till we get the ship ready".

"OK sir, we'll try our best"

"Don't try your best, do the best!". Ridin encouraged. He hung up on Sgt Hurns and picked the call of Malay Pyontree.

"How far?". Ridin asked.

" The ship is ready, sir". Malay reported.

"Commence evacuation, immediately!"

"Yes, sir".

The Ogwannys fought with spears, swords, axes, and any other thing that can inflict damage, while the Minusces fought with laser rods which could shoot out lasers and make laser weapons. The Ogwannys had an advantage, because of their strength (5x the Minusces), they could fly and they could be compared to mindless beasts through their way of fighting, plus they had Odin-aka. The Minusces were not weaklings, but they weren't focused on winning the fight, they were focused on evacuation. They were evacuating the best of them and of course, the children and elderly.

"We're about to take off, cover us!". |||||

"Where is the take off site? ". °°°°°

"The Congregational home.

"Be quick, Ogwannys are approaching us.

"We need to take off immediately ". |||||

"We're on our way, be patient ". °°°°°

"We need you here now". |||||

"We'll be there in 5...4...3...2...1...We're here.

" We'll cover you, you can take off now". °°°°°

" Are you sure? ". |||||

" Yeah, go now...We're holding them back ". °°°°

" Okay...We're out in 3.2.1.Goodbye! ". |||||

"Stay Safe!". °°°°°

As the war continued, Odin-aka thought he had victory, until he saw the Minuscle Mother Ship shoot past him. Before he could react the ship had vanished -it was moving at the speed of light.

"Retreat!, everyone retreat! Retreat, they have escaped!".Odin-aka declared angrily.

" After all alive Ogwannys had come out of Minuscle, Odin-aka went into Cont's ray again. Minuscle was destroyed.

/N.B: Cont is Minuscle's star, as The sun is our star/