The One-Night Stand

Daniel slowly walked in, his eyes beholding everything he had blatantly ignored a few minutes ago.

The lengthy table was adorned with a plethora of delicacies, and a luscious butter-cream cake stood proudly at the center. The space was adorned with a tasteful arrangement of gold and dark blue balloons, enhancing the elegance of the room.

Before, he was in a state of extreme distress and failed to take notice of his surroundings. Had it not been for the shards of broken glass and the spillage of wine on the ground, he would have been deceived into thinking that they were still joyfully commemorating their anniversary.

However, his current reality was far from the blissful celebration of their anniversary that it was supposed to be.

Forcing the uncomfortable feeling in his chest into silence, Daniel approached the white grand piano, his eyes fell upon the divorce papers placed on it. Emma's signature stood out prominently, each stroke showing her determination and decisiveness.

However, something else caught his attention even more.

Right beside Emma's signature, was the diamond ring he had placed on her finger on their wedding day. It sat quietly, light rays passing through it and producing a brilliance of radiance further illuminating the name Emma Moreau on the paper which only served to emphasize their current reality.

Daniel picked the pen beside the divorce papers and clenched his fists, trying to quell the frustration that surged in his chest. 

But within a few seconds, he had broken the plastic pen with a snap.


Clover District,

Emma alighted from her ride with her luggage and gazed up at the building before her.

Nestled in the peaceful neighborhood, the mansion was not grand but gracefully refined as it exuded quiet elegance. Its weathered red brick exterior was adorned with ivy vines. 

An uneven cobblestone path, flanked by blooming rose bushes, led to a brown-hued door, beneath an ornate lantern that shone with a warm, inviting glow and a slightly weathered step stood amidst the embrace of vibrant lavender hydrangeas.

As Emma stood there under the night sky, taking in the serene beauty of the scene, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the old oak trees that guarded the mansion's boundaries and blew at her face giving her a slightly chilly welcome.

Finally breaking into a wry smile, she exhaled deeply and stepped through the washed red gate as she pushed it open, the creaking sound notifying the inhabitants of the house.

She had just walked down the cobblestone path, the dull sound of her suitcase being dragged echoing behind her when a middle aged woman donning a pale blue flower speckled dress wrapped with a thick gray scarf stepped out of the house curiously.

Emma's nose soured, her heart aching with familiality as she gazed at the woman's blue eyes and blond hair that was pulled up into a bun.

'No. I can't appear weak. I can't let the people I care about carry my burdens. It wouldn't be fair to them.' she thought as she blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Emma dear?" 

However, when Emma heard the overly familiar voice that was laced with concern, the forte wall that she had tried so hard to uphold since she left Daniel's residence crumbled and shattered into pieces as she hurled herself into the woman's arms.

Tears of grievance rained down her cheeks as she wailed sorrowfully in the fragrant embrace of the only woman who knew and understood her dearly.

The woman, surprised at Emma's strange behavior, hugged her and unintentionally glanced at the suitcase in front of her. 

Immediately, her blue eyes dimmed in understanding as a pang of pain was sent to her heart.

She tightened her grasp around the girl and consoled, "It's okay dear. Mother is here now. Everything will be just fine." Her voice choked with inaudible sobs as she patted her daughter on the back. She knew her greatest fear had come knocking at her doorstep.

Her daughter had been despised by her husband.

Their sorrowful cries alerted someone else who stepped out of the house clad in a black shirt and grey pants with a yellow apron hanging on his neck and a spatula in his right hand.

The middle-aged man watched both of them in confusion before sighing dejectedly. He walked past the mother and daughter, climbed down the steps and grabbed the handle of the suitcase.

He lifted the suitcase up with the hand holding the spatula and patted the crying duo.

Then the family of three walked into the house dispiritedly.

Immediately they stepped into the house, Emma's mother, Rosalie Moreau led her up the winding staircase and into her room.

She didn't say anything and patiently waited till Emma emptied her tear ducts in her arms.

Once she was sure that her daughter was fine, she left the room and came back not long after with a tray of food and a glass of water.

Emma watched her mother carefully place the tray of food on the table and leave quietly.

"Mom." She called out weakly, her voice hoarse from all the crying.

Rosa stopped and turned to face her daughter, "Emma darling, it's late and I'm sure you're exhausted. We'll talk tomorrow okay?" 

Taking a small step toward her, she patted her head, "Make sure to eat your dinner, okay? You know how your dad can be when you waste food." Rosa teased with a smile.

"Goodnight dear." After leaving a peck on Emma's forehead, she left her room.

Emma raised her head to prevent her tears from spilling again. She had cried enough for today. For her mother and father's sake, she had to get stronger.

With that thought in mind, Emma sat in front of the tray of food and ate the dinner her father prepared with relish. It wasn't a fancy dish that the chefs in Daniel's house prepared but was a simple plate of pasta with sauce, green vegetables and shredded pieces of chicken yet Emma still believed her father's dish was superior.

She had obviously longed so much for it so she cleared the plate without leaving a single bite and even the sauce was wiped clean.

Burping in satisfaction, she downed the glass of water and went into the bathroom with a fresh set of pajamas from her closet. 

When she was done she realized the tray of food had been taken away from her room and shook her head.

'Mom really can't sit still.'

Emma dragged her feet tiredly across the floor of her bedroom and landed heavily on her neatly made bed.

Her gaze swept across the old pictures on her bedside and a voice filled with accusation boomed in her ears.

'You singlehandedly orchestrated the one-night stand!'

The one-night stand.

She knew she didn't set Daniel up that night but who would believe her. She had drank a lot that day and even though her alcohol tolerance was good, she still couldn't get past the mental fog that clouded her mind.

As she tried to recall, she lay on her back and stared at the hydrangea colored ceiling.

Emma had just turned twenty at the time was assigned a task by her supervisor, Dante Lois, to scout in sponsors for the upcoming children's recreation centre in one of their company's charity organizations.

In order to make it easier for her, Dante helped her do the research and presented three different charity events she had to attend to find suitable sponsors.

Among these charity events prepared for her was a gala which was the most important as it only occurred once every three years.

Back then, Emma was a brilliant marketing executive with a passion for philanthropy so she didn't hesitate to go for each charity event.

The first two events were quite successful. She was accompanied by her supervisor, so the task was done easily and they were able to scout in some new sponsors.

Strangely however, for the last event which was also the most important one of all, her supervisor told her to go alone. At first she was nervous as it wasn't just an ordinary event but a gala that was only held once in three years, she still cast her fears aside, put on a brave front, and prepared seriously for the gala.

That night, contrary to her fears, everything ran smoothly. Dressed in an elegant bottle green gown that accentuated her natural beauty, she mingled with the guests, hoping to secure more donations for the cause.

And she did! 

At that point, she couldn't stop smiling. 

Her delicately touched lips grinned from ear to ear.

She had just taken a slice of the black forest cake from the buffet table when her eyes fell on the man who walked in.

Daniel Kozlov!

The CEO of the colossal empire, K.

Ever since his return from Germany, he had gradually stirred waves in the business industry and has stood firmly at the top for over five years at the young age of twenty-five.

His every posture and movement commanded respect as people both old and young, veterans and inexperienced, men and women all seemed to flock at his feet.

There were so many rumors concerning this enigmatic man and while they may all be false, one fact still remained.

'Whoever worked with Daniel Kozlov would sit at the top with the stars bowing to them in the sky.'

Emma with this thought in mind couldn't wait to rope Daniel in. If she could convince the great Daniel Kozlov to work with the company she was employed at, then getting a promotion wouldn't be such a farfetched dream.

So whilst savoring the black forest cake in her hand, her eyes glistened as it followed Daniel's every move like a predator, waiting for the right time to strike.

But she was bound to be disappointed. She had already eaten three huge slices of cake already yet Daniel still seemed to be occupied with one thing or the other.

It couldn't be helped though. It wasn't just her who wanted a piece of the big fat meat called Daniel Kozlov, many people wanted a bite as well. 

But with what she saw before her, Emma wondered if this piece of meat could go around.