
"Anyway book a flight for Diadyn City in four days." Daniel enunciated as he got off the bed and headed to his closet.

Any haziness left in the air caused by the dream was dispelled instantly, replaced by the cold aura of a CEO.

Lucas who was already in his cubicle, put on his computer and asked with a subtle frown, "Why four days, sir?"

He couldn't understand.

Mr. Ash was going to be in Diadyn City in three days so why was he booking for a flight in four days?

Daniel wrapped a towel around his bare waist and slipped on a gray bathrobe, "He will need to catch up with his family members so let's give him one day of rest."

Lucas's mouth twitched.

If someone else were to hear the words of his boss right now, they'd shed tears at how caring and empathetic he was but he had worked with him for over two years so he knew better.

His boss was obviously still upset that they were going to travel to Diadyn and wanted to make Mr. Ash wait one more day.

Lucas knew his boss was petty but this pettiness seemed to have transcended several levels after his divorce.

Sighing, he replied, "Alright sir. I'll do just that."

"Also, the file for the land acquisition in Hazel Town should be on my table before I get there. I want all recent developments and details from the beginning of this week till this morning provided by the acquisition team."

Lucas quickly pulled up a notepad and jotted it down, "Okay sir. But I heard there is a fairly new food processing company that wants that same land, sir."

Daniel raised his perfectly defined eyebrows in surprise, "A food processing company? Which one?"

"Grains & Flora Foods, sir," Lucas reported diligently, his eyes focused on the report on the computer before him.

"Oh? Then arrange a meeting so I can meet with the owner of the company by the end of the week. I've had my eyes set on that piece of land for a while now and I don't want any noisy people clamoring over it." 

Daniel said a few more words and hung up.

Then proceeded to go into the bathroom. 

Twenty minutes later, Daniel descended the stairs and donned an exquisite black suit and pants with golden threads. The buttons and cufflinks glimmered under the soft light of the chandeliers.

He approached the dining table and sat as he waited to be served breakfast. It was then that he heard a series of murmurs followed by a shrill scream.

Immediately, a comical woman covered by overpowering scents that caused dizzying spells sashayed into the room. 

Her face was a canvas upon which makeup had been heaped in layers, transforming her features into an extravagant masterpiece. Her lips, stained a vibrant, almost unnatural shade of crimson, pursed in a relentless attempt to maintain an air of sophistication. 

Thick layers of mascara and eyeliner surrounded her eyes, giving her a perpetually startled expression. 

Her heavily painted brows arched dramatically as if engaged in an eternal battle of dominance. 

Adorned with gold jewelry that clinked and clanged like wind chimes in a storm, her neck bore the weight of multiple necklaces. 

Her clothing choices were equally absurd as if she had raided a costume shop in a frenzy of extravagance. It was as if every color in the spectrum had been thrown together in a chaotic explosion of tastelessness with garish patterns that clashed and clashed again.

On her feet, she wore heels that defied the laws of physics, towering skyscrapers that threatened to topple her at any moment, and her gait, a wobbly and precarious dance. 

When Daniel saw who it was, he closed his eyes in exhaustion and pinched his nose bridge with his fingers.

"Daniel honey, how are you today?" The woman's heavily matted red lips seemed to clam and pull at each other as they stretched into a saccharine smile.

Daniel subconsciously held his breath and leaned back in disgust, his eyes squinting as if attempting to shield themselves from the blinding colors and rays.

A timid voice broke through in the room and rang out from behind the flashy human billboard, "Good morning sir. I honestly tried to stop Miss Charlotte but she pushed me away!"

Daniel turned his head to look at the maid who stood trembling in fear at the door. Obviously, the shrill cry was from when the maid tried to stop her. 

With a dismissive wave of the hand, he urged her to leave, "Go."

Sighing in relief, the maid muttered a quick thank you and fled before releasing the breath that she held. She did not want to stay one more minute in this room that was already filled with a blend of different overpowering perfumes. 

Who knew what bad luck her boss had to be related to such a woman?

Charlotte who pretended not to have heard the words of the maid, blinked and asked in mock innocence, "Is this how you treat your aunt after such a long time? Prevent me from coming into your house?"

Daniel forced himself to brave the colorful explosion of what he considered a mistake. 

Ever since K was globally recognized by the World Business Organization, he has always been on his toes. He had to worry about his competitors and prevent them from sabotaging what he had toiled to build and he even had to watch his back every minute and keep his eye open for loopholes and moles. 

But that wasn't all, now he had to be wary of his family who suddenly reared their heads when K was back on its feet. 

He was just an eight-year-old boy when his father died and his mother fell into a coma from a mysterious car accident. Since then, he had been thrust into the care of his grandfather Nikolai Kozlov, a formidable figure known for his ruthless business acumen.

Under Nikolai's watchful eye, he was groomed to take over the family business, Kozlov Empires, a responsibility that weighed heavily on his young shoulders. 

But as he grew older, he began to uncover the family's secrets, buried deep within the archives of the Kozlov mansion. 

He learned of covert dealings, corporate espionage, and even darker rumors of connections to criminal organizations. That was how he came to know that the Kozlov legacy came with a dark side, a history of ruthless deals, betrayals, and a ruthless pursuit of power.

It became clear to him then that the Kozlov family's success had been built on a foundation of morally ambiguous decisions and cutthroat tactics.

Haunted by the shadows of his family's legacy, he became determined to chart a different course. He vowed to break free from the dark past that had plagued his family for generations. 

So he left his country, Armiya behind and started another company from scratch, K in CH City. An empire that had grown tremendously and rivaled his grandfather's Kozlov Empires.

Yet, the past had a weird way of clinging to him.

His eyes settled on the woman in front of him, coldness surging out of its depths.

This was his father's cousin Charlotte Kozlov. She was someone sent by his grandfather to keep an 'eye' on him.

"So what do you desperately want that you had to barge your way in?" Daniel asked, his tone veiling the exhaustion and irritation that simmered beneath the surface. 

He knew that Charlotte was not one to mince words or beat around the bush, and he braced himself for whatever agenda she had brought into his home.

Charlotte, seemingly unperturbed by Daniel's exasperation, sauntered further into the room. Her long, manicured nails gleamed as they reached out to adjust the extravagant necklace adorning her neck.

"Well, isn't this place a bit dull?" she commented, her eyes sweeping over the room with a disdainful air. 

"You always did have a penchant for the mundane, my dear Daniel."

Daniel clenched his jaw, struggling to maintain his composure in the face of her audacity. 

Charlotte's painted lips curled into a knowing smile as she observed his discomfort. "Oh, don't look so glum, dear. I'm here with good news."

Daniel raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He had learned over the few months of interacting with her that Charlotte was not one to offer information freely, and her idea of "good news" often came with a catch.

With a theatrical flourish, Charlotte produced an envelope sealed with an ornate wax seal from her glittering handbag and extended it towards Daniel.

"What's this?" Daniel asked, cautiously taking the envelope from her. He examined the wax seal, which bore the emblem of his family's prestigious business empire.

"It's an invitation," Charlotte declared with a gleam in her heavily kohl-lined eyes. "An invitation to a gala event celebrating Kozlov Empire's latest achievement. It's an opportunity for you to shine, dear Daniel, to showcase your leadership and bask in the limelight."

Daniel's skepticism lingered as he carefully broke the wax seal and retrieved the invitation. His eyes scanned the elegant script, detailing the grandeur of the upcoming gala.

Reminding himself of the need to remain vigilant in the world of corporate intrigue, he glanced back at Charlotte, "Is this truly an invitation, Charlotte, or a way to suppress me?" he questioned, his gaze piercing.

Charlotte's laugh was melodious but devoid of warmth. "Daniel, you have always been so perceptive. You mustn't forget that K is not just your legacy; it's a family legacy, and we all have a stake in its success."

"I built K from scratch with my own hands without receiving help from any of you! So what right do you have to shamelessly claim that it's a family legacy?!" Daniel couldn't help but scoff coldly.

Charlotte twisted her black curly hair with her fingers, she didn't even spare Daniel a glance as she sat on the chair, irking Daniel further.

"Daniel, for someone who has a business empire as great as K you sure talk like an imbecile." She said, her 'dark' eyes sending a mocking look his way.

Before Daniel could erupt, she continued, "You are a member of the Kozlov family, so whatever belongs to you is naturally part of the family business. Your grandfather taught and guided you since you were a child. It was his teachings that have led you to the pinnacle you're standing on today."

"So consider K your homework which you've completed and successfully passed with flying colors!"