Will You Marry My Son?

Time seemed to slow for Ash as his words hung in the air.

Clad in a yellow floral maxi dress and brown sandals, a portion of Emma's blonde locs were twisted and held in place by a silver rhinestone leaf hairpin while the rest was let loose behind her back, giving the illusion that she was a lost princess in the woods.

'Such a beauty.' He marveled internally.

Emma released Quiana from her embrace, turned her attention to the newcomer, and felt her breath get caught in her throat. 

As she met Ash's eyes, she couldn't help but notice the striking features that defined him. His dark hair, tousled in an effortlessly stylish manner, framed a face chiseled with a blend of rugged charm and refined elegance.

His warm brown eyes held a gaze that seemed to linger on her in a way that sent a subtle shiver through the air.

Dressed casually in a navy blue long-sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants, his tall and lean frame exuded a youthful charm that seemed to be tempered with the vast experiences of life. 

Quiana, blissfully unaware of Ash's love-struck gaze, beamed with infectious joy, "Ash! Meet Emma, my dearest friend. Emma, this is my brother, Ash Kumar."

Ash snapped out of his reverie thanks to Quiana's chirpy voice and extended a hand, a warm smile playing on his lips, "Nice to finally meet you, Emma. Quiana has told me so much about you."

Emma accepted the handshake, her composure unwavering, though her heart danced to an unfamiliar rhythm, "Likewise, Ash. Quiana has also told me a lot about you."

'Oh my God! Quiana didn't tell me her brother was so….handsome!' Emma mused as she pulled her eyes away from Ash's soul-stirring ones.

Smirking, Ash glanced at Quiana and placed an elbow on her shoulder making the girl tilt toward him, "And I doubt she said anything good about me?"

Quiana rolled her eyes, brushed past Ash, and ushered Emma back to sit on the plush sofa, "Ignore him, Empress. He's a pain in the patootie."

Ash raised a brow and exclaimed, "I knew it! You were badmouthing me behind my back!"

Quiana stuck her tongue at Ash making Emma burst into laughter at the siblings' antics catching Ash's attention once more. 

He had a trace of a smile playing on his lips as he stared deeply at Emma, his eyes seemingly unable to look away.

Soon, Quiana's mother, Yasmine came out of the kitchen with a tray of fruits and snacks. 

She was wearing a loose beige shirt that reached to her knees and loose pants of the same color also flowed after her as he walked into the room. Her brown wavy hair accented with gold highlights was left to fall behind her ears and her brown eyes which were strikingly similar to her children' sparkled with a youthful delight.

"Will you two ever stop bickering?" She said in distaste, before beaming into a warm smile as she placed the tray on the table, "Hi Emma dear! Sorry I couldn't keep you company, I was busy with the sweets and snacks. Here, have some."

"Thank you, Mrs. Yasmine," Emma said as she eagerly reached for one of the delicious treats.

Since the first day she tried Yasmine's snacks, she had thrown etiquette over the moon and always ate to her heart's content.

'Who cares about respecting yourself as a guest when you have such deliciousness staring you right in the face?' Emma thought in glee as she savored the richness and sweetness of the snack.

After making a face at Ash and Quiana to behave themselves, Yasmine sat in front of Emma and watched her eat the snacks in satisfaction before pulling Ash to sit beside her.

"Emma, I don't know if Quiana has told you about this but my son Ash has finally returned after years, not just for a visit. He's here to stay!" Yasmine began, excitement bubbling in her voice.

Quiana blinked, reached for a grape, and popped it into her mouth as she listened to her mother uninterestedly.

'Here we go again. Ash's personal life soundtrack lyricist is out!' She mused.

Emma's eyes widened, a genuine smile lighting up her face, "That's wonderful, Mrs. Yasmine! Congratulations, Ash. I hope this homecoming brings you all the happiness you deserve."

Ash politely smiled, his ears a bit hot, "Thank you, Emma!"

Yasmine smiled and nodded in approval but she wasn't done, there was a reason why she put in much effort in making the snacks and joined the kids today and it had to be seen to completion. 

For months, Yasmine had been tirelessly urging her son, Ash, to come home. Her heart ached with longing every day that he was away, but that wasn't the only reason why she kept after him.

She had a plan set in motion ever since she first laid eyes on Emma, and it had taken root deep within her heart. And now that both Ash and Emma were present here today, Yasmine's heart quickened with excitement. The plan obviously had to proceed, and she couldn't wait to see it unfold.

Glancing at her son, Yasmine smiled even more broadly. Since she came into the room, she noticed his eyes kept looking in a particular direction and she couldn't be more proud. 

'This is my son! He loves good things too!' Yasmine thought with a smile on her face before clearing her throat.

"Emma dear, you see, Ash hasn't been home for a while so I haven't been able to do my motherly duties properly."

"As you can see he is a fine young man but how ridiculous does it sound that this fine tall glass of delicious wine is lacking a beautiful flower by his side?" Yasmine started to say with a hint of exaggeration making Quiana roll her eyes with a shake of her head.

'I knew she'd start singing his praises like a hummingbird that just saw the sky. Oh please. What glass? What fine wine?'

Ash on the other hand turned to his side and frowned in confusion at his mother's words, 'What is mum going on about now?'

Meanwhile, Emma who was still eating her snack awkwardly started to munch slowly as she wondered and tried to process where Yasmine was heading toward with her words.

Yasmine, realizing that Emma didn't seem to get her words, threw her mental script away, reached for Emma's hands, and said, "Let's not beat about the bush Emma. I'm a straightforward person! Will you marry my son Ash?"

Emma choked on the piece of snack she was about to swallow and quickly reached for the juice with her free hand while Quiana and Ash yelled simultaneously with widened eyes, "Mum!"

However, it was as if Yasmine didn't hear them or realize the extent of her words as she continued while still holding Emma's hand, "You don't have to worry about anything. I'll handle everything!" 

As Emma coughed and sputtered on her juice, caught off guard by Yasmine's unexpected proposal, Quiana and Ash exchanged incredulous glances. 

"Mom, you can't just propose to someone on my behalf!" Ash exclaimed, caught between mortification and amusement.

Although he was happy his mum mentioned the topic of marriage as he felt attracted to Emma he didn't want to scare the poor girl away.

Quiana, with her mouth still full of grapes, managed to mutter, "Mom, are you serious?"

Yasmine, undeterred and beaming with determination, tightened her grip on Emma's hand. "Absolutely serious! Emma, my dear, Ash needs someone special in his life. And who could be more special than you? You're like the missing piece in our family puzzle!"

Ever since she saw her walk into their home six months ago, she had fallen in love with Emma and had vowed to make sure she became a part of her family.

Plus she was fueled by Ash's love-struck gaze that followed Emma like a bee that saw a flower.

Emma, torn between the unexpected proposal and the comedic turn the situation was taking, tried to hold back her laughter as she stared into Yasmine's earnest eyes. "Mrs. Yasmine, this is quite the surprise. I appreciate the direct approach, but marriage is quite a big step. I mean, we've just met."

Quiana interjected as she chuckled, "Yeah, Mum, this is not how we do things in the 21st century! You can't just drop a 'Will you marry my son?' bomb out of the blue! There's a process!"

Yasmine waved a dismissive hand much to Quiana and Emma's dismay, "Details, details! Love doesn't need a process. It's spontaneous! Life is short, and love waits for no one. Besides, I have an impeccable record in matchmaking. Ask anyone in our neighborhood!"

Quiana rolled her eyes, "Yeah, but this is not the neighborhood, Mum. This is real life!

"Whatever! When you know, you know. And I know! Emma would make a perfect bride for Ash!" Yasmine declared, reminding Emma who Quiana got her dramatic flair from.

Ash, recovering from his initial shock, managed a nervous chuckle and said, "Mum, I think maybe Emma and I should, you know, talk about this privately, like adults."

He had noticed Emma's shocked and awkward expression so he had to make his mum leave the topic quickly.

Yasmine eyes twinkled with mischief as she thought, 'Hmm? Is my son finally stepping up after being given a boost?' 

Then she replied as she winked playfully at Ash, "Oh, I trust you two will figure it out, but I just couldn't resist giving fate a little nudge. Besides, don't you guys think Emma would make a beautiful addition to our family?"

Now wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, Quiana managed to nod in agreement, "Yeah, Emma, welcome to the circus! You'll fit right in."

Her laughter seemed infectious as everyone joined in the fun and chuckled at Yasmine's absurd and impromptu request.

Emma whispered to Quiana with a smile on her face, "Your mom is one of a kind."

"Tell me about it," whispered Quiana in response.

Ash smiled as he watched his mother go into the kitchen to finish up on the other snacks.

He knew his mother saw through him that he couldn't help but feel drawn to Emma.

It was as if gravity itself had decided to favor her.

However, his phone suddenly rang, interrupting his thoughts. He pulled out his phone and muttered a quick "Excuse me, please" before walking out onto the veranda to answer the call.

Looking at the screen, he saw the caller and answered, "Hello, Mr. Lucas. Yes, I'll meet you at the Grange Hotel shortly."