
"Don't worry, since we're childhood friends, you'll be the first to receive our wedding invitation!" Violet proceeded to rip open Silver's bleeding heart and build a salt castle inside it with her words.

She couldn't believe it. The man of her dreams was engaged to another woman that wasn't her.

"I am actually here to meet up with him and tell him about my…. Oh, I forgot to ask. What are you doing here, Sil?" Violet inquired as she looked at Silver curiously.

Silver who was lost in her thoughts, blinked and answered as she took a quick look around her, searching for an excuse, "I…I came here for…"

When she caught sight of the coffee and pastry shop that was across from her, she exhaled in relief and pointed at it, "I came here to get pastries. You know how much I love pastries right? I searched online and I saw people say their goods are quite delicious." 

"Oh, that's what happened," Violet said before looking at Silver with a twinkle in her green eyes. 

"Anyway, I won't bother you anymore, Silver. I need to go see my baby. I know he misses me. He can't stay too long without me. I and my dad will visit your house later this week, so we'll get together then. Bye!!" 

Violet exclaimed excitedly before waving Silver goodbye and disappearing into the sea of people that came and went in K.

Silver didn't hear a thing Violet said after she called Daniel, 'baby' but still made sure to maintain a friendly smile and wave back at her friend.

However, in less than a second, Silver's face which had on a pretty smile immediately turned gloomy as she cussed and turned on her heels walking away from K as fast as her legs could carry her. 

Soon, a taxi approached so she quickly flagged it down and got in.

"Nielson Spring Estate." She spat out coldly and reclined on the backseat, deep in thought as the vehicle moved past K and into the city.

'So Daniel is engaged to Violet? But when?'

'Although Daniel isn't Violet's blood brother, he still grew up in the Montero House so how could Uncle Rodrigo let his daughter marry his adopted son? It just doesn't make any sense.'

Just then, a snippet of Violet's words rang in Silver's ears causing her to frown deeply.

'I need to go see my baby.'

Those words sounded like when one slid their fingernails on a chalkboard and it made her feel quite irritated.

"Ugh! So annoying." Silver muttered to herself.

'But the receptionist said Daniel wasn't around so how come Violet could go in to see him?' she wondered suddenly as she jerked up in her seat earning a curious side-eye from the driver.

'Did the receptionist lie to her or did Daniel not tell his fiancé about his business trip?'

'Honestly, I wish it was the latter.' She thought as she slumped back into her seat.

And just like that, Silver was swamped and neck-deep in her frustrated thoughts.

However, a few minutes passed in the taxi, and soon Silver's frown turned into a sneer.

' doesn't matter anyway whether Daniel is single, married, or engaged. As long as I, Silver Nielson want him? No one can keep him away from me. Absolutely no one!'

'The only man I've ever fallen in love with can never be with another woman. So I'm sorry Violet, but you will have to take the backseat on this one.'

'Daniel is mine and mine alone!'

Meanwhile, Violet had just walked out of K with an angry pout.

"How hateful! Why didn't anyone tell me that Daniel was traveling?! And I just had to find out from that stupid receptionist!" She said as she stomped her feet in anger but quickly covered her mouth as she looked around.

When she didn't see the person she was looking for, she patted her chest in relief, "Phew! Thank Goodness, Sil already left. It would have been so embarrassing, especially after lying like that."

'Well, technically it's not lying as I have already informed Dad about my feelings for Daniel and he said he'd work on it!' Violet thought as she justified herself.

Nothing was going on between Daniel and her let alone an engagement but it didn't matter because he'd be her husband at the end of the day. 

'So telling someone about the news earlier isn't wrong.' 

Violet, who was rather convinced with her judgment, shrugged her conscience off. She quickly reached for her phone in her pocket, pulled it out, and scrolled to find a number.

When she found it, she tapped on it and waited for it to ring.

A few seconds passed and the other party had barely picked up when Violet shouted angrily into the phone, "Jake! Why didn't you tell me Daniel was traveling?! Now, I'm standing in front of his company like a fool. Quick, tell me where he is so I can go to him!"

Jake: "…. Are you stupid or what? Why should I tell you? Get lost!"

And with that, he ended the call.

Violet: "...."

Diadyn City,

Ash walked back into the living room with a smile after he was done receiving his call. When he saw the joyful atmosphere and how his mother and younger sister laughed with so much happiness in their eyes, he felt his heart melt.

He leaned on the door frame, his brown eyes watching their every act.

Throughout his time abroad, he had missed the feeling and warmth of home but he couldn't come back till he had made a name for himself.

That was the vow he made to his mother and himself.

Now, he was back with the promise he made fulfilled and flourishing far more than he ever anticipated.

So all he wanted to do now was to indulge in the familial warmth that he had lacked for the past two years. As he had that thought, his gaze fell upon Emma who laughed and giggled along with Quiana and his mother.

'I also wouldn't mind the beautiful addition to the family.' He pondered as he felt himself getting mesmerized again by Emma.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about Emma that captivated him. It wasn't just her physical beauty, though that was certainly part of it.

No, there was something deeper that drew him to her, something he couldn't quite articulate. It was as if she had some kind of magnetic pull on him, a force that he couldn't resist.

In her presence, he felt a sense of longing, a desire to give her everything he had and more. It was a feeling that he had never experienced before, and he knew that he would do anything to be with her.

'This is dangerous. Emma is too dangerous.' He thought as he tapped his head with a playful smile.

Probably because of her motherly instinct, Quiana caught sight of Ash at the doorway looking at Emma and called out as she tried to hide her smile, "Ash! Are you done with your call yet?"

Ash quite surprised at Emma's eyes falling on him, stood upright and smiled stiffly.

Not knowing where to look, he rubbed his hair and stared at his feet nervously, "Uh…yeah…Yes! I'm done."

As Yasmine watched her son stumble on his words, she couldn't resist letting out a chuckle but she knew she had to undo what she did and help him she couldn't let her son look like a fool in front of her future daughter-in-law.

"Is it about work?" she asked as she tried to ease the tension she created in her son's heart.

As if finding a drop of water in a desert, Ash clung to the way out his mother made for him and quickly replied, "Yes! It's about work. Uh sorry Mum, I have a business meeting in a few minutes so I won't be joining you for the rest of the event. But please go on without me." 

He bravely took a few steps forward and stood in front of Emma much to Quiana and Yasmine's surprise.

"Emma, it was lovely meeting you. I hope we meet and do this again someday." He said, his eyes gazing straight into Emma's.

Emma feeling quite hot under Ash's intense stare gulped inaudibly and responded, "It was my pleasure meeting you too Ash, and sure we'll have plenty of times to meet up."

She was Quaina's friend so there was no doubt that she would occasionally bump into Ash.

Ash flashed a warm smile as he nodded, leaned forward, and lifted Emma's hand.

The room fell silent as everyone looked on incredulously, and Ash pressed a delicate kiss on the back of Emma's palm.

His gaze locked onto hers as he held her hand for a moment longer before gently placing it back on the couch. 

"Till then, my lady," he said softly, and with a slight bow, he turned and exited the room.

After he was gone, Quiana turned to the side and gagged before screaming after him, "What the heck?! What is going on?! What spirit possessed you, Ash?"

Yasmine clapped excitedly and went to get more drinks and snacks from the kitchen to celebrate her son's new blessing whilst laughing wholeheartedly.

Emma's body had frozen in place, her eyes fixed on the spot where Ash had disappeared. Despite the chaos in her mind, the sensation of his lips against the back of her palm lingered, warm and vivid.

She desperately wanted to deny the truth that was screaming in her ears, but it was too loud to ignore.

Ash had feelings for her, and there was no running away from it.

The realization sent a flurry of butterflies into her stomach, a sensation she hadn't felt in a long time.

Emma's throat felt dry as she swallowed hard, trying to process the overwhelming emotions that had seized her.

'This is NOT good, Emma.'