Your Visions Are Real, Daniel

Lucas stiffened at Daniel's words before quickly replying, "You got the wrong idea, sir. Although I did book an appointment with Dr. Celeste, I just received a text from her clinic that your appointment has been approved and you'll have a session with her. Honestly, I'm very shocked. People don't easily get sessions with Dr. Celeste. You must have been really lucky, sir."

Daniel glanced at Lucas for a few seconds with a raise of his brows, then he resumed skimming through the documents in his hands, "Alright then. When is my first session scheduled for?"

Lucas bit his lips and scratched the back of his neck, "That is the important part I wanted to tell you about, sir. Your first session is by 4 pm."

Daniel nodded, "Okay, on which day of the week?"

Lucas gulped as he raised his hand to wipe a drop of sweat that slid from his temples, "It' sir."

Daniel paused and raised his head causing Lucas to almost drop the tablet in his hands.