A One-Night Stand With Daniel's Woman?

Kozlov Mansion, Armiya.

The opulent ballroom of the Kozlov mansion shimmered under the soft glow of a thousand crystal chandeliers. Guests, the city's elite and those desperate for a taste of their favor, mingled amidst the cascading crystal chandeliers and gilded furniture.

Laughter and gilded conversation floated in the air, punctuated by the rhythmic strains of a live orchestra.

This was the Kozlov Empire's 55th-anniversary gala, and the entire city of Armiya held its breath, attuned to the whims of its host, Nikolai Kozlov.

Nikolai Kozlov, the patriarch of the Kozlov family and owner of the empire, moved through the crowd with an air of authority and grace.

Dressed in a tailored suit that bespoke wealth and power, he greeted each guest with a practiced smile and a firm handshake. But beneath his charm, there was a steely glint in his eyes that hinted at the iron fist with which he ruled his empire.