You Recorded?!

Daniel's jaw clenched at Zayne's audacity. This buffoon tried to drive his company up the wall by leaking such top-secret details about a project and yet he still came to gloat in his face.

"Reunion gift? Is that what you call this pathetic attempt at intimidation?" He scoffed, his lips pulled up in a sneer as he eyed Zayne up and down.

Zayne's smile faltered slightly. He hadn't expected such defiance from Daniel, the boy who used to shrink away from his every word was now staring back at him with an arrogance greater than his.

He quickly recovered, however, his grin returning, wider and more sinister.

"Intimidation? Oh, no, Daniel. I just wanted to reminisce about the good old days. It's been far too long since we've had one of our little tête-à-têtes." He drawled, leaning back in the chair. 

Daniel raised an eyebrow before he burst into laughter, however, his eyes held no mirth.