Emma Is Daniel's Wife?!

Silver watched Daniel and Lucas leave the room and got lost in thought as her mind kept wandering back to the events that happened earlier. She dipped her hand in her bag to retrieve her mirror and glanced at her reflection.

Her lips were a bit plumper than usual and her eyes were slightly tinged red, it was no wonder Daniel asked if she was fine.

Though her heart felt full knowing Daniel cared enough about her to notice such minor details, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered in the pit of her stomach, knowing that now Zayne held the power to destroy everything she was working so hard to achieve.

With a sigh, Silver returned her mirror, got up from her seat, and began to pace around Daniel's office.

She surveyed the opulent space with a smug smile. This was the life she coveted, the power, the honor, the access to Daniel himself.