Are you drunk?

Daniel quickly said, "No, Emma, that's not all. I foolishly believed the lies that were fed to me. Violet planned the one-night stand and also intercepted the private investigator I hired who provided me with what I thought was evidence. Fabricated evidence, I now realize, but they fueled my actions that day, and I...." 

"And you threw me out on the streets like yesterday's trash, without even giving me a chance to defend myself!" Emma immediately cut him off, her voice rising with anger.

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill. Daniel's confession, while providing a partial explanation, didn't erase the pain he'd inflicted.

From all he'd said, it was very clear that Daniel was at fault from the very beginning.

She had always known of Violet's infatuation with Daniel which the former didn't bother to hide whenever she was around but felt that was just about it.