
Amelia's eyes darted between Emma and Mateo, a knowing glint flickering in them.

She cleared her throat, "Emma, this is Mateo, Felix's older brother. Mateo, this is Emma, the talented designer I was telling you about."

Mateo's smile remained fixed on Emma, a warmth radiating from his hazel eyes that made her cheeks burn slightly.

He extended a hand towards her, his voice a smooth baritone, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Emma. Amelia and Delia have been raving about you so much my ears are ringing."

Amelia's eyes widened in shock. 'This tattletaler!'

Emma shook Mateo's hand, as she giggled. "Thank you, Mr. Lexington. The pleasure is all mine."

"Please, call me Mateo or more preferably Matt." he insisted, his gaze lingering on her a moment too long before he finally shifted his attention to Rebecca.

"Miss Xanzi. Always a pleasure," he said with a softened smile.