King Black

Daniel fumbled on the wall for the light switch as he dragged his feet through the corridors of his house.

There was a light drizzle that evening so he left wet footprints all over his furnished floor as he walked in.

He passed by Ethan's room and saw through the ajar door that he and Jake were pushing against each other trying to hoist the other off the bed even in their sleep.

'At least they're getting along well.'

With a sigh, he raised his feet and was about to go up the stairs when his blue eyes caught sight of a door by his right so he redirected his steps.

He pushed the door open, turned on the lights, and what greeted his sight was an apple green themed room. 

This was Emma's room. 

He hadn't stepped foot in here since the divorce but always charged the helps to clean it regularly.

Then, Daniel didn't understand why he couldn't just empty the room after Emma left.