
Hailey, sensing the brewing storm, swallowed nervously. She was acutely aware of the volatile nature of her employer.

"Ms. Evelyn, you're still the reigning queen of the fashion world. There will definitely be other opportunities..."

"Opportunities?!" Evelyn cut her off, her voice rising in anger. "Do you have any idea how long I've worked to get where I am? How many doors I've knocked on, how many favors I've called in? And yet, they choose her over me?! This is an insult! And I won't stand for it. I refuse to be overshadowed by some upstart jewelry designer!"

The assistant bit her lip nervously, unsure of how to calm Evelyn's anger.

Suddenly, Evelyn's expression shifted, a wicked gleam entering her eyes. 

She took a deep breath and flashed a practiced smile at the mirror, "Get me my phone. I need to make a call," she commanded.

Hailey scurried to fetch Evelyn's phone. She knew that when Evelyn was in this state, there was no stopping her.