Deja Vu?

As the exhibition continued, Silver tried to maintain her composure. Every glance and whisper felt like a judgmental one.

She forced a smile, mingling with the guests, but her mind was elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of who could be behind the sabotage.

Once the exhibition came to a close, Silver quickly made her way back to her hotel room, her mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation.

She needed to find out who was behind the images on the screen and why they were targeting her.

But as she stepped into the dimly lit suite, she was met with an unexpected sight. Sitting on her bed was a familiar face, someone she didn't expect to see.

"Zayne," she gasped, her voice trembling.

Zayne, who was fiddling with a lighter between his fingers looked Silver up and down and smiled evilly.

"Our dear Silver finally decided to come home."

"What are you doing here?" Silver asked, her heart racing.