Are you daft?!

Kaleb, a slightly robust man pushing 50 stared at Violet as if she'd sprouted horns.

"Fifty million dollars," Violet repeated, her voice dripping with a feigned innocence.

Kaleb's previously eager hands froze mid-air, inches from Violet's shoulders as he sputtered, "You… you can't be serious!"

However, Violet's smile remained unfazed, "Deadly. That's the price of my affection tonight, Kaleb," she purred, running a perfectly manicured fingernail down Kaleb's arm, her once alluring green eyes now holding a glint.

Ever since she was thrown into this forsaken town by her father, she had tried every means necessary to sneak back to CH City but it was as if her father knew that was exactly what she'd do so he cut off all her finances and gave her his card which had barely enough funds for her to eat.