A Weird Dream

Pamela's eyes darted between Kaleb then back to Violet and Violet repeated, "Check his phone. You'll see for yourself."

Pamela locked gazes with Kaleb who fretted on his feet for a few seconds before she opened her palm, "Phone," She commanded and Kaleb's face drained of color, he opened his mouth to protest, but no sound came out.

With a swift movement, she snatched the phone from his hands and tapped on it ready to look for the secret account but Kaleb quickly kneeled, grabbed her arm, and cried out, "Pamela, wait! Please!"

But his pleas died in his throat as Pamela glared at him, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Pamela went through Kaleb's phone, her eyes widening at each passing second. When she had enough, anger coursed through her veins and she raised her head.

"You despicable, conniving snake!" She spat as she pressed in on Kaleb, her voice trembling with rage.