Headless Knight

I was skeptical for a second after hearing what Kagari just said. Three days in the dungeon sounds dangerous. The lower you dive down the dungeon the more dangerous it becomes. There was the option of staying in one place. However, other adventurers will surely pick on us if they notice. Solo and independent adventurers are mostly subject to this mistreatment.

"Don't tell me you never considered dungeon diving longer than one day…"

Kagiri paused as she looked at my eyes and continued.

"I just realized that you're going back home after your dungeon dive. Don't you realize that an individual can only dungeon dive once a week and to beat this system an adventurer should stay in the dungeon longer than one day…"

I feel horrible about myself.

I didn't even think about it before. Probably, because I don't have the actual skills to stay in the dungeon longer than a one day.

Before I only had the basic skills adventurer should have and my unique skill had not awakened yet.

No, I'm just making excuses in my mind. I should admit to myself that I'm just terrified. I'm terrified about the horrors in the dungeon.

I'm not brave enough.

"I'm sorry… I'm not looking down on your intellect at all. There are lots of reasons why adventurers sometimes don't consider staying inside the dungeon. Err… Family and stuff… The dungeon is extremely dangerous and the deeper one dives down in the dungeon one might end up accidentally  crossing to another dungeon."

Kagari is doing her best to make me feel better.

"Anyways, Kagari sure is brave. For someone as small to dive down the dungeon alone for days."

"That's because I don't have anything at all. There is nothing left for me outside of this dungeon."

Kagri downcast her head for a second and lifted it with a  smile.

"I don't know what the future holds and I don't know what tomorrow will become. I just ride and do my best to survive. Until I made my dream come true."

Kagari sure is awesome.

I wish I was as brave as her.

Right now, I have greater power in my hand. I should not waste it. I should be more brave.

While I was gazing at Kagari's beautiful innocent smile. Suddenly, a dark shade loomed over her.

My pupils get smaller and rush energy goes to my feet as I kick the ground with full power.

From behind a giant monster suddenly appeared. Slashing its giant sword down. Breaking the ground altogether and shaking the whole place in just one attack.

"What was that?" I asked and immediately used my appraisal skills.

Headless knight level 500.

Level 500?!

"Ouch… Ouch…" Kagari rubs her head.

"Are you okay Kagari?"

"Yup, I'm fine thank you for saving my life… What was that? It's a tall and has no head."

A monster in the color of pitch dark. We didn't notice it because the surrounding was dim. I was careless, that was very close.

I got an image of Kagari's head being decapitated.

I clenched my sword and made Kagari stay back.

I raised my sword channeled my magic onto it and cast my fire skill.


Burst of flames covers the headless knight. "Firebolt!" "Firebolt!" "Firebolt!"

After casting the skill three times. The monster wasn't staggered, it wasn't intimidated at all.

"My skill is not effective." He must have a high magical resistance.

Now what should I do?

"It's moving fast!"

The headless knight changes forward brandishing his sword over his head. Ready to attack.

"Ice wall!"

The skill blocked the sword.

"Ice make!"

The floor immediately turned ice.

Kagari held my hand and dragged me. Our enhancement skills activated, and we're moving pretty fast.

The ice floor slows down the headless knight a bit giving us a way to escape. The knight was on the path going to the upper floor. We don't have a choice but to go to the lower floor.

While we are running.

"I'm sorry, I panicked,"

I confessed.

"What? Why are you apologizing? You're moving fast. With you, I'm already gone. That monster is abnormally fast."

Kagari replied.

I understand. I have calm mind skills in my passive. But it didn't trigger me to calm myself because I have something in my head that I fear.

The fear of losing Kagari earlier overtakes me.

I don't want to lose someone again.

I don't want to go back to my lonely black-and-white life.

A rumbling sound coming from the place we're from. Loud stomps, and the relentless slashing attack that cause for the tunnel to tremble.

"It seems pretty agitated. Maybe, we should use our escape card now. Facing that monster is not worth it at all. Our life is more important."


We took our escape card and activated it.

"What? It's not activating?"

(Cannot be activated in the current circumstance.)

A window appeared in both our visions.

"What circumstance is this window talking about?" Kagari asked.

We continue running, but the distance between us and the headless knight is getting lower and lower.

Skill: Teleport level 10, Body reinforcement level 10, Elemental magic level 10, Appraisal level 10, Boost level 10, Sword skill mastery level 8, Poison resistance level 10, Sturdy body level 10, Magic resistance level 10, Stealth level 6, Advance sword mastery level 10, Mana recovery level 10, Health recovery level 10, Switch level 10, Calm mind level 5, Mapping skill level 6, Martial arts level 4. Sharpening level 2.

Unique skill: Dungeon transport

Sword skill tree: Crescent slash level 10, Cutter level 10, Cross slash level 8, Blade of judgment level 7, charge slash level 6.

Orc slayer: Adventurer damage increased by 30% if their target was an orc variant.

Fire mage: Fire-based skills damage increased by 50%.

I review my skills inventory and look for anything that could help us.

"We could use stealth."

I activated and another window appeared.

(Skill can't be used in current circumstances.)

Shit! At this rate, the monster is going to catch up.

The headless knight was now behind us and swung its huge sword. Kagari and I were separated from one another. But good thing that the headless knight has its eyes on me.

That's right just look at me.

I get up and reinforce my body as high as possible. I'm not going to pull my punches. We can't escape this monster, the only way to survive is to defeat it.

"Kagari… Run…"

"What are you talking about? There is no way I will leave you here."

"Kagari… The moon is so beautiful right?"

"What the…"


Kagari vanished like a bubble. She is now on the first floor of the dungeon.

My dungeon teleport has its limitation. If I use this skill with other people, there will be a cool-down period of 30 minutes.

There is no running for me.

I cannot escape.

I have to face this monster alone.

I'm fine dying here. I don't regret throwing my life for Kagari. When Luna died, I asked myself over and over again. Why did she who had a dream die? Why me who have no dreams or ambitions continue living?

Kagari has a big wonderful dream.

She desserve to live.

Kagari looks anxious before I send her away. To think that someone would care deeply for me is amazing.

If fine dying, but I will not accept death without a fight.

"Fighting for other people's dream… That's the only thing I'm good at."

The headless knight steadily approached me like a true warrior. I guess, monsters sometimes know how to slow down.

"Sorry for running away earlier. Now, let's begin our duel."


"I don't understand your language… Maybe, there is no need for understanding. Let's end this…"

I said and made a sword stance.