Princess of peace

After running for a while both of our heroes, Lumine and Noah reach far far away from the town. Lumine and Noah had their eyes wide and big grins of smiles beaming from their faces as they both turned their gaze around the surroundings that they never thought they would ever see.

Lumine only dreamed of this moment before when she was isolated in her castle. And now all of her dreams were about to come true.

"Wow! That's a river stream!"

"Look over there, that's an elephant."

"No, it's a giraffe."

While running at speed with their friend's horse-like companions Mamel and Numel. The two heroes never got exhausted from feeding their eyes with these new visuals they were seeing.

After an hour-long of running away, they have to rest their pets and take a rest for a while.

Lumine lifted her face up and pointed to the giant tree that was looming over them.

"Wow! What was that?!" Asked Lumine.

"I don't know but it's so big. I wonder if they bloom fruits." Noah said.

Lumine cocks her head as she turns her gaze to the boy.

"Actually you okay, Noah> You look excited even though you were born here on the surface."

"That's because I've never been beyond the town we visited before. This is kinda of awesome. I finally came to realize how big and great the world is!"

"But you're way so excited there. You're my knight so please…"

Lumine focuses her eyes on Noah who seems not to care about Lumine's words. He continues to feast himself with new scenery and new animals or maybe monsters around roaming.

"... Dang it, listen to me."


(Minutes later.)

While having lunch under the giant tree. Noah started thinking about the knights they encountered earlier. How they move and how powerful they are. They're using weapons that weren't accessible to normal people. Well, they are from a futuristic country, it's supposed to be self-explanatory.

"But man, that guy was strong."

"Who's that?"

"That guy I fought earlier, that light sword dude."

"Ohh, Rave… I know right? Hos's the chief of the imperial forces. I've been saved by him countless times."

"I've kinda thought about that though. You're a princess, how many times did you get into danger?"

"More than I can remember/"


"Right now there are two powers in Elysium. The first is the royalty under my father. Then, there is the military."

"What's the difference?"

"I told you there were seven flying cities spread through the world right? Basically, they're all fighting each other."


"The main problem is resource and energy maintenance. Ariadne's a small country so it's especially big for us. We have to take measures as fast as we can. But my father the current king, doesn't want to fight. He plans on working with other countries to resolve their problems together… But the military opposed that idea. They want to strengthen their weapons and take out all the other nations in one fell swoop."

"So you've been targeted?"

"Not just me, the entire family. The military wants to gain power so they can wage war on the other countries with our troops."

"Sounds annoying. I thought flying cities were peaceful and prosperous. Well, everyone on the surface thinks that."

Lumine closed her eyes and heaved a deep breath before continuing her story.

"Even so, my father worked hard. And he somehow manages to build a relationship with another country. And as proof of our friendship. They want me to marry into their country. So basically, I will be the bridge from nation to nation. I could call myself the princess of peace."

"That sounds awesome… Princess of peace."

"I know… I know… Also, the prince is quite handsome so it's fine. Now that you know how amazing I am. Show me some respect. You can always kneel and serve me too."

"We're good on that…" Noah took the last bite of his sandwich and stood up. "Now that we are done eating. So it's time to go to our next destination."

An electric-like feeling dashed through Noah's spine and his senses were telling him that someone was watching both of them.

Noah walks around and looks.

"Something's there… On the top of the mountains."

"Eh? On the top of…" Lumine had her mouth dropping at Noah's words. "You can see that far!"

"I keep looking up in the sky and at the vast horizon. I got a very good eye."

"No, no, no, your eyes can't be that good."

"Hmm? What was that? It's kinda fuzzy… I can't really see the shape but it's brighter than the surroundings."

"Are you serious?"

Finally, Noah realized what it was who watching them from a very far distance.

"No way! Could that be the spirit tribe?!"


"That's one of the great phantom tribes… Together with the Moon people. It was said that they only appear rarely. Spirit people were loved by natural energy and their presence was glowing."

Noah take a look again.

"They are gone… I would love to meet them in person. I wonder how they sleep at night with that glow? They were glowing. That was awesome! I never thought I'd see one in my entire life. They say that we cosmic soldiers are modeled after the energy spirits because of the energy flowing in their bodies like circuits. I would like to know them. Probably they'll teach me something awesome… Like special move and such!"

Lumine was irritated by Noah's talk and raised her fist.



"What the heck? You headbutted me."

"I did not headbutt you. I just wanted to hit your head with my forehead. Besides I didn't see them. I'm jealous. I want to see them too."

"Man, this girl is so selfish. It's a spirit tribe. They don't come by so… The path was blocked.

Ahead was a giant boulder more like the result of a landslide from the rock mountain nearby.

"This is the only way to Gulliver Valley… Well, whatever, I can just bust them down with my gravity fist."

Noah hops down from his ride and curls his fist ready.

Before that, The ground started to tremble and…

"Noah, above!" Lumine shouted.

"Rock slide! Get back! Get back to the opening of the valley as fast as you can! I'll deal with this!"

Noah shouted and answered with a nod from Lumine.

Noah's fist turned into shades of darkness and as he touched the ground he yelled.

"Zero gravity zone!"

His ability mange to stop the rock from smashing down at high velocity and slow the rock moving down. That king that to advantage. Noah moves out of the area before his ability wore down.

In the end, there is no more path. The whole entrance leading to Guiliver Valley was blocked by a giant thick rock. Rocks that not even Noah can't shatter with his full-power gravity fist.

Lumine started to cry.

"There is no more way… I was looking forward to the valley. It's rated four-star in this map."

"Don't cry… There is still a way… Well, I guess, I can use gravity power to send us all up to this rocky mountain."


"Well, there is a problem… There is a reason why this rock was rolling down. I have to check it first."

Noah fled away high up and above the surface of the rocky mountains pesky monsters were seen.

"Rock-eating worms!?"