Xue Yang casually looked around as the cultivators spread out to surround him.
Whistling, he decided to crack a joke.
"Wow, an entire party just for me. I guess I should thank you for treating me like a VIP." he smiled.
"But if I'm being honest, I think I'd prefer more of a one-on-one date. Can't say I'm into group events like this."
Laughing mockingly, the manager responded.
"I'd have to be a fool not to use everything at my disposal."
Turning more serious, he added.
"Pride and ego are things for the dead."
"Then I guess you're overflowing with pride and ego, seeing how you'll be dead soon."
"Only those extremely nervous are this chatty." the manager countered.
"Kill him!" he instructed his followers.
As soon as the command was issued, cultivators rushed at Xue Yang. Due to the large amount of them, not all had attacked.
The more seasoned ones assessed the situation from afar. At the same time, the novices, eager to prove themselves, saw this as an opportunity and attacked.
They believed that this lone man who had no weapon and from whom they couldn't feel a cultivation base would be an easy kill.
They could see the anger and disrespect he had caused their boss, so they were almost certain the one delivering the killing blow would get in their leader's good graces.
Because of this, many of them jumped at the opportunity, fearing they'd lose their chance for the final hit. Not knowing that most of them were rushing to their deaths.
Sword strikes started coming at Xue Yang from almost every angle. Unfortunately for his attackers, Xue Yang became increasingly more comfortable in his new body.
He still hasn't had much practice with his powers and abilities and has not used many of them yet.
But thanks to his swift reaction times and a body that could keep up, low-level cultivators like that didn't prove much of a threat, even in large numbers.
Xue Yang avoided the attacks by a hair's breadth while simultaneously striking back with his fists that hit like a truck and claws that could tear through metal as if it were paper.
A sword came flying at him from behind. Still, in the nick of time, he twisted his body, grabbing the sword's hilt and pulling the wielder off balance, stabbing his claws through the man's throat and ending his life.
As more attacks came flying, he grabbed the man's body and used it as a shield as he used it to launch himself upwards and fly at cultivators further in the back.
The one he came flying at attempted to stab Xue Yang; however, Xue Yang simply punched forward, connecting with the blade and shattering it to pieces.
Realising that this was probably one of the weaker ones, he landed on top of him, sending the man to the ground.
He bit into his neck, draining as much blood as he could in the short time he had.
[☆Bloodlust lvl 4☆]
Thankfully, he managed to lower his Bloodlust further. But unfortunately, that wouldn't be enough.
Having killed over a dozen cultivators without much damage taken himself, the remainder became more cautious. They started attacking in a way that didn't allow Xue Yang to defend himself or dodge properly.
Cuts started to appear on his body as his opponents gained more and more confidence.
Eventually, some managed to stab Xue Yang's vitals. Thinking they succeeded, the ones that stabbed him celebrated prematurely.
"We finally got him!"
"Serves, you right for your insolence!"
"Hahaha, you should have remained an obedient dog and died without a fuss."
Various comments flew around simultaneously, but Xue Yang wasn't done yet.
Grabbing the swords that pierced him, he pulled them further in. His strength was so immense that those holding onto them flew towards him.
He let go of the blades and, at the same time, grabbed their users' throats, crushing them like they were nothing.
The bones in their necks were crushed completely, causing their heads to flail freely.
He tossed the bodies into the remaining troops, who now started to fear this demon-like bastard.
Under the moonlit night, Xue Yang did indeed look like a demon as his torn-up robe fluttered in the wind and his white hair reflected the moonlight.
He had blood around his mouth and from his hands to his elbows. His crimson eyes glowed brighter than ever matched with his beauty. It really did make them question what they had just done.
"Who or what is this monster?"
"How is he alive?"
"Is he really an immortal that descended to the lower realms?"
"But why would an immortal even bother coming here?"
Panicked, the cultivators tried to rationalise the situation. Noticing that things weren't going his way, the manager decided it was time for him to step in.
If he didn't do so, even if Xue Yang was defeated by his followers, he might still lose their respect and loyalty.
Now was the perfect time to prove himself to his minions and gain further respect by easily slaying the one who had killed so many of his men and caused the remainder immense fear.
He didn't know either why Xue Yang was still standing. His body should have plenty of cuts, and his vitals were stabbed, yet he was still as nimble as ever.
It was as if the damage didn't affect him, but he decided to chalk it up to some strange bloodline or physique.
He appeared out of nowhere in front of Xue Yang, the same as before.
"Weightless Sword Second Form, 10kg"
Xue Yang completely dodged the attack; however, the manager twisted his wrist and unleashed a follow-up attack.
"Weightless Sword Third Form, 100kg"
Unlike the attack before, this attack connected. It was aimed at his neck, but once again, Xue Yang managed to block it.
He was sent flying off to the side and rolled on the ground before coming to a halt.
Xue Yang stood up hunched over, his left arm missing at the elbow and barely bleeding. He was confident he would have lost his head if he hadn't blocked that attack.
It was one thing to read about cultivators fighting and their techniques, but it was another to experience them.
Even a seemingly simple technique could have such a devastating effect.
Despite the damage he had just taken, Xue Yang smiled as he straightened himself up as much as he could and glared at the manager with a demonic smile.
The manager felt something was wrong and couldn't help but question Xue Yang's smile.
"Why are you smiling?"
Without a word, Xue Yang brought his remaining arm up. On his finger was a turquoise eyeball.
In that short exchange, Xue Yang had stabbed the manager's right eye, taking it out so cleanly that thanks to the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the manager hadn't noticed it was missing until Xue Yang made him aware of it.
"AHHHHH!" Screaming in pain and anger, the manager rushed at him again, entirely consumed by blind rage.
His attacks became severely more vicious yet easier to dodge. Unfortunately, Xue Yang knew he wouldn't hold on for long.
He dodged the manager's attacks and went for his left arm, managing to cut it clean off. Still, in return, the manager cut halfway into his neck and sent him again tumbling down into the dirt.
This time, Xue Yang didn't get up right away as before. The remaining cultivators took that opportunity and jumped towards his body, stabbing him everywhere they could and nailing him to the ground with their swords.
Believing they had finally finished Xue Yang off, they felt a sense of relief wash over them. They had lost many brothers in arms to this single man gruesomely and wanted nothing more than for this night to be over.
Not seeing any movement, they checked his pulse. Unable to feel anything, they looked at the manager, whose arm and eye were already being treated.
"What should we do with the body boss?"
"Dump it in the river as always."