
A/N: Hey, please read the author's notes at the end of the chapter. It's important. ^^


The captain and Xue Yang locked eyes.

The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The captain signalled the pair of cultivators with his hand behind his back.

They understood what they had to do and spread out to the sides.

They felt a fight was unavoidable because of Xue Yang's words and actions.

They planned to attack him from three different angles, ending the fight instantly without making much noise.

A drop of sweat fell down the captain's face.

"Where are the flowers?"

"The flowers?" Confused, Xue Yang tilted his head.

"The girls!" The captain asked as his breathing became heavy, knowing what would most likely happen next.

"Ah! That's some clever marketing!" Knocking his fist on the palm of his hand, Xue Yang made a goofy expression.

"Marke, what?" The captain asked in confusion.

"Doesn't matter." Xue Yang shook his head.

"I freed them… In a matter of speaking."

"What do you mean you freed them?"

Xue Yang smiled.

Despite his otherworldly good looks, the smile was the most frightening thing the captain had ever seen.

Then, out of nowhere, Xue Yang kicked the table before him, sending it flying directly at the captain.

Not wanting to be struck by the table, the captain drew his sword and sliced the table in half.

As the pieces split and started flying to either side of him, Xue Yang appeared right in front of his eyes.

His sword was still in motion, and despite his skill, Xue Yang was simply faster.

Because of this, he couldn't defend himself using his sword.

Xue Yang's hand grabbed his head firmly. It felt as if his head was going to be crushed by his grip.

He pushed the captain straight into the ground and smashed the back of his head against the floor, crushing it like a watermelon.

Blood splattered around the room and over the bottom of Xue Yang's robes.

The two cultivators with the captain didn't even realise what happened.

To them, one second, Xue Yang was lounging on the couch, and then in the next, their captain's head exploded.

As Xue Yang stood up, the two drew their weapons with shaky hands.

Showcasing some of his killing intent, he said, "Tell me where the manager is, and I promise I won't kill you."

It wasn't a lot, but it was like facing a monstrous beast to the two of them.


"Shut up, we…" One of the cultivators tried to interrupt his partner and say something, but Xue Yang cut his head off before he could finish his words.

In his hand was a crimson blade that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Xue Yang looked at the last survivor.

"This is your last chance. You can either tell me and save me some time or not. Either way, I will get what I want in the end…"

"Upstairs! He is in his office upstairs at the end of the hall!"

"Good, thank you for cooperating." He smiled.

"So, so you'll let me live. Right?!" The cultivator asked with a desperate smile.

"Hmm?" Xue Yang raised his eyebrow.

"When did I say I'd let you live?"

"W-what? You just promised you wouldn't kill me if I told you."

Nodding his head, Xue Yang replied, "You're right. I said that I won't kill you."

"Then…" His smile became wider, but then all his hopes shattered.


"But I never said anything about them." Xue Yang said, gesturing up with his head.

Looking up, the cultivator saw monstrous creatures.

They had pale blue skin with what looked like black veins running across their muscular body.

They lacked hair and had pointy ears and fangs instead of regular teeth.

The white of their eyes was black, while their irises were red.

They were the flowers that Xue Yang had turned into ghouls.

He was planning on letting them live.

But after the failure to bring the manager to him, and more importantly, what they said about Tian Mei forced him to change his mind.

"AHHHHH!" The man screamed, but it was shortly cut off as one creature launched at him.

He tried swinging his sword at it and managed to connect, but it was pointless.

Despite connecting, it felt like he was trying to cut a rock with paper.

The ghoul landed on his body and restrained him as it devoured the man alive.

Xue Yang looked at it but felt nothing from witnessing such a gruesome scene.

'Looks like my body isn't the only thing that changed.'

Sensing that his army had arrived within his communication range, Xue Yang knew it was finally time for vengeance.

He knew that most of the people in this town were innocent, but it didn't matter to him.

Someone had to appease his rage, and that role fell on the town of Travellers Rest.

Closing his eyes, Xue Yang sent a command to the ghoul army approaching the city under the cover of darkness.

'Slaughter everyone, do not let anyone leave alive. Turn anyone you can into a ghoul and increase our forces. Cause as much chaos and run wild.'

'Ah, and if you spot a girl with silver hair and violet eyes, don't touch her. Bring her to me unharmed without even so much as a scratch.'

A loud roar could be heard in the distance, causing the people of Travellers Rest to look in the direction of the ghoul army.

Without looking at the ghouls in the room with him, he gave them a different but similar command.

"Go out of here and cause chaos in the northern part of the city. Turn as many as you can as quickly as you can. You will act as the distraction for the main forces."

Without a word, the ghouls jumped out the window and spread across the northern part of the town.

"I guess I should quickly visit my old friend and see how he's enjoying the gifts I left him during our last meeting."