Notice (Please Read)

Hi, SWHT here and I have some unfortunate news.

I will be taking a break when it comes to writing VC for a while.

There are a few reasons for this, but I'll let you know the two main reasons for this.

First is the fact that my contract applications are constantly getting rejected.

I'm not sure why this is.

It's possible that my story's content is just something that WN doesn't want/like.

No matter the reason, I feel it's a bit unfair as, surprisingly, this novel has had far better growth than I expected and even has bigger popularity than some recently contracted novels.

I would have been fine with it, if at the very least I got given a good reason. I could live without getting a contract as long as I know it will never come. But the reasons for rejection being shrouded in mystery is something that bothers me. It feels like I'm on a roller coaster that is constantly going up and I never know when it will drop.

The other reason is that I want to plan more of the story before I continue so I can give you a better story than it would be otherwise. While I do have some vague plans for what happens in the future of the novel, I'd like to refine them further.

I want Xue Yang to be a manipulative villain, but right now, he is more of an impulsive one (although there are reasons for this).

So, I have to plan certain things to make it more enjoyable to read and more hype.

I'm not sure when it will return, but I will do my best not to keep you waiting too long.

However, there is also a possibility that I might end up reworking the novel slightly from the start to make the early story flow better.

I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, and I'll understand if you won't want to support me in the future when VC returns.

Thank you, everyone, for supporting VC for this long, and I wish you all the best ^^