"Ugh...!" I grunt aloud. Fighting with my sleepyhead. My room is still in a dark state. That's something that I love. Living in the dark. Or perhaps, maybe I'm used to the darkness.

My hand roams on the side table. Looking for my phone that hasn't stopped vibrating. Who dares disturb this mother of a dragon at this hour, huh?


"Aigo, Sweet... Too early. Too early..."

"Unnie, you promised us the Moon Cake!"

Moon cake... And here I am, rubbing my eyes!

"Where's Hera?"

"Unniee, I'm dying here! Come fast~"

Here comes another cry baby!

"Aish, I've been away for three days and you guys are stammering me like I've been away for like... 3 years?" I slowly wake up and check myself through a mirror.

"Unnie, you have to come here. You need to come here!"

I pulled the black curtain, leaving the white day curtain to stay draped on where it was. I watch the morning breeze from outside the window. It's a dewy morning. Calm, cold, and flowers are blooming.

Spring is coming.


"Fine... Fine... I'll be there in 30 minutes..."

"15 minutes!"

"35 minutes..."

"20 minutes?"

"You want my presence or not?" I put a threat on Sweet. She's whining again.

"Fine... But, hurry up, unnie! Please~"

I hum, giving her a short reply. After the call ended, I slowly walked toward the bathroom. Turn on the shower, I stand under the running water from the shower head. My brain is spinning non-stop.

I had that nightmare, again. This time, it's kind of vague. I can even feel the pain. It lingers all over my skin. I held onto the wall, gritting my teeth.

It must be just the guts that I feel. Somehow, it's real. It happened to me. Used to happen? Or maybe a glimpse of my future?

I don't know.

Brushing off the bad thoughts, I muster my energy and get ready for today. It's a fine day, so I don't wanna spoil the vibe just because of a stupid nightmare. I grab my keys and leave the house with hype.

Cycling along the road of this small town, I feel at peace. Grateful for being able to live every day. Though my family lives somewhere far from me, I am happy just by myself. I made a great decision to leave the house a few years ago. Even with full of drama.

Come to think of it, I can say it's all my fault. I mean, my spontaneous act caused a ruckus in my household. One day, I woke up, ready myself, descended downstairs, sat at the dining table, and announced my departure plan. My mother almost fainted, my father was in a rage, and the brothers were in shock. The only person who remained calm was Grammy, my grandmother.

My mother went hysterical. My father... Well... As everyone knows, there is no more communication between us until now. We can see how enraged he is. I mean, he has the right in the whole world to be mad. I am the golden ticket, a golden cow who can be traded anytime.

Guess by now, you guys can understand the whole situation, right?

As the only girl in a household of royalty, I am just a trophy for them. People are friends with me because of my status as The General's daughter. My level is almost as same as The Royal Princess herself. At least, in the eyes of the public. At home, I'm nothing but just an unwanted child.

I don't know when my father had such an idea to marry me off to some baron or any royal member. Maybe gradually he saw me growing up, becoming the beautiful blooming flower that all men desire. That's when he realized my value as a pawn for him, for political purposes.

I hate that idea, that's why I opposed it and ran.

Now, it's been years since I left my country and family behind. I feel more chill and happier than before. I know I can trust only myself; present and in the future. Only I can make myself happy.

And I am happy, truly.

I reached my destination, a little bit later than I was supposed to. Hera and Sweet were handling a long line of customers. It's 8 a.m. and everyone needs a dose of caffeine before work. So, it's a normal environment for the cafe.

I snatch my apron; a royal blue denim garment with a small embroidery of the name of the cafe; Black Tea and Coffee, written in yellow. I adjust the strap so it fits well onto my body. Then, I tie my shoulder-length lock in a high bun and step out from the locker room towards the counter.

"Hera, lemme take over. Go to the kitchen. Now," Hera quickly dismissed herself into the kitchen. The breakfast muffin tray is almost empty, and somebody needs to make a new batch for the 10 a.m. slot. Or, we will be in a deep problem because the muffin is the bestselling item here.

"Two Americano, please?" asks the customer.

"Venti, Grande? Sweet, unsweet?"

"Venti for both. One sweet, just like you..."

I scoff in tiny. Cliche pickup line! Too bad because he is indeed a well-looking fella, but too cringy for me! I put on my business smile, pick two Venti cups, and make him the most delicious Americano, in hopes that it will wake him up the whole day.

"Two Venti Ame, one sweet, one plain..." I show him the price. He handed me his black card, I was about to grab it when he suddenly pulled it back. My brows rose in confusion.

"I want your number,"


"There's a business card in front of you. Feel free to take one, sir!" I reply, still wearing a smile though by now it's insincere anymore.

Corporate smile. Stab stab, kill kill, die die!

My heart's getting pricked now. My blood pressure slowly ascended to peak when he refused and leaned closer to me.

"I don't wanna pay until you give me your number,"

"Sir, there's a line behind you. Please be considerate," I try to coax him so he can back off and let me do my work in peace.

"Then, give me your number. You don't wanna make these people waiting, right?" he insists. Looks like he has a big ass determination to ruin my day!

Suddenly, a man came from behind, took out his black card, and tapped it on the wave machine. He subtly hands over the coffee to the Romeo.

"You need to leave now. Don't worry, I won't claim anything for you. Just go now. The people are waiting. Don't cause a scene," he says.

"Who are you?! This is none of your business!"

"I'm nobody. But, your lame pickup line will make me late to my meeting, causing a woman to turn into a rage panda because she failed to get a caffeine booster after staying up all night; looking after her baby, a college student who is probably going be late for his class and many more society problem. So, please back off before we stage a strike against the world,"

My mind blows out. He managed to spur those words in one breath, like a skilled rapper. Maybe he is indeed a rapper. But, his clothes were too formal! I mean, suede shoes with high-quality linen suits... Too handsome for a rapper.

Hold up, I think there's a rapper in suits. His name is Pitbull.

But this man has no rapper vibe!

At least, his action caused Romeo to back off. But before he left, he told me that he'll be back later for my phone number. Time to warn those girls not to sell me off to someone!

The man; the one who saves the day, backs off as well and gets back into the line. The order keeps pouring out until his turn.

"Mint latte. Venti. Less ice," I quickly prepare his order. Again, he takes out his card to pay, but I stop him immediately.

"It's in-house," I say.

He doesn't bother at all, taps the card, and takes the coffee from the counter.

"Not today. Not yet," he says. As he was about to leave, I managed to catch a glimpse of him. He glares at me with his sharp eyes. As he's a killer who will stab me anytime.

My heart sank.

The feeling is so familiar.

Exactly like my nightmare.