"Are you sure you gonna be just fine, unnie?" asks Hera. I nod and smile. She looks reluctant to leave me alone again. After the incident, both Sweet and Hera suddenly activate the protection shield mode. Wherever I go, they always tag along.

"Yarh, I'll smack your head if you change your mind!"

"But unnie..."

"You better not withdraw again. How many times did you postpone this trip? Sweet might look okay, but I know she's not," I hand Hera her bag. She mumbles a bit, trying to justify her worry to me.

"Na'ah, no more excuses, missy! Besides..." I glare at Sweet who is busy checking the car. "You need to move fast before it's too late!" I sheepishly grin and crook up my left elbow.

"What do you mean, unnie?" Hera blushes. She softly smacks my forearm.

"You know what I mean. Because you blush," I push Hera out of the kitchen. "Man up... I mean, Woman up and go for it!" well, I don't know what the relevancy of both man and woman words that I switch up back and forth. There's no such thing as gender in love. Just brace yourself and go for it!


"Enough of the but or I'll kick your butt. Go! Enjoy the scenery, the food, the people, and..." I hang my arm around Hera and Sweet's shoulders. "Take your sweet time, okay?" both of them hug me before taking off on a one-day road trip. I watch them disappear from the road.

It's an off day for the cafe. They deserve some time off as well. Besides, there's not so much to do. Only a few things, but everything will be well-handled. I clean up the counter, check the register in case there's cash left, and make myself a cup of coffee.

I heard a bell from the front door. I think I did put the close sign. Am I still having a customer?

"We're close-"



"Yarh, you better prepare a good reason for this!"

Jun sheepishly giggles. He put his bag and a huge shopping bag full of groceries on the table. I put my meh face, resting my back against the counter.

"I have the best reason in the whole world," he says.

Suddenly, he's getting closer to me. Almost looks like overpowering me. He puts his face closer to me. Eyes only at me. Both hands caging my body.

"I miss noona..." Jun gives me a fainted smile. I'm too shocked to respond to the first act, let alone react to the second act. We are too close, intimately close.

Jun whines a bit. He looks down a bit.

"What now?" I ask.


"What?" I frown, taken aback for a while.

"I'm hungry... I want your ramen..."


I tilt my head, looking at the groceries on the table.

"Yunta went back home, huh?"

"How did you know???"

"You won't come here for ramen if Yunta is around. I know you only eat his ramen..." I push him away for a bit. "... Or mine," Jun rubs his nape and grins.

"Spoilt brat!" I hit his head with a carrot.

"Yarh, I'm not! I- I just wanna save the nation!"

"Save the nation?"

"Yeah! I might commit a crime of arson if I cook ramen by myself."

Well... That's partially true! Based on my previous experience with Jun and the kitchen, there was nothing bubbles and rainbows. He is indeed a terrible fire user. Must've bad blood between him and fire in his past life.

"Fine. For the sake of the nation, I'll give you a chance," I say. His face got lit, like a child having candy.

"Can I make another request?"

"Tsk... What?!"

He takes out a camera, a high tripod, and two mini mics with lighting sources from his backpack. My eyes waver a bit. I know what are those!

And I know, where this will lead to!

"No! Nope! Andwae! Mị̀!"

"Please noona... Please... Na? Na? Na???" jeez, this boy is driving me crazy for real!

"Jun, you know how much I hate being on the camera!"

"But, you're natural! Remember the last time we had live streaming with my fans? They love you so much! One more time, please..." my eyes squint. Jun holds my hand and swings it while making cute hamster pouty lips.

It's not like I don't want to. But, I feel weird whenever I'm in front of the camera. And, the last time I did a live streaming with Jun, it was by coincidence that I was there and suddenly passed by the frame.

"Noona..." Suddenly, Jun looks gloomy. He grips my palm tight and pulls me closer to him.

"Noona, I never ask anything from you. Anything fancy, I mean. I just wanna spend some time with you. Soon, I might get busy and we will have no chance to spend our time together," he puts down his head.

Hearing that, my heart melts a bit. That's true indeed! It's a rare chance to spend time with Jun. His schedule is always tight. Right now, he has a lot of free time because they are recording a new album. But soon, when the songs are released, he will have a series of promotions, performance practices, concerts, fan meets, world tours, and many more. Sometimes, it takes about a year of promotion.

"Fine! But, in one condition...'


"You have to cook together with me. I'll teach you how to cook. We'll set up a portable gas stove in here,"

I point my finger toward the table.

"Let's start, shall we?" Jun grins.


Jun: Okay everyone, ramen is ready!!

(clap hands. Kiran smiles a little and nods)

Jun: Let me try...

Karin: Use this (hands him a new pair of cutlery set)

Jun: Thanks, noona!

(indulge the hot ramen)

Jun: Noona, seriously this is the tastiest ramen I have eaten in the entire world!

(Karin gave him a snarky look. She shook his head a bit)

Karin: Is it because of the camera?

Jun: Ahh, noona! I'm being honest okay! So, guys should we vote for this dish to join the menu at BTC??

Karin: Yarh, this is a cafe!

Jun: We can combine it with a fresh juice menu!

Karin: Just eat your ramen, you silly!

(Jun grins widely)

Jun: Okay, let's read the comment...

(Jun scrolls the tab while munching the ramen)

Jun: You guys bickering like a couple... You guys are sweet... Please get married! Wow...

(Karin scoffs)

Jun: Oh, someone asks you a question, noona!

Karin: What? (casually sips her warm green tea)

Jun: Ki Noona, do you mind dating someone younger?


Karin: I don't mind. Are they young? We can date each other if they want to (smirks)

Jun: Yarh, noona... I'm here!

Karin: What? (glare)

Jun: Flirting hajima! (huffs)

(Karin chuckles a bit. Jun reads the comment again)

Jun: Noona, I'm 22. Can I date you? Unnie, I think I'm in love with you. Wah, unnie don't mind the noona concept, cool! Yarh, Hope Bunnies, stop flirting with my noona!

Karin: (laughs in tiny) Why? Let them have fun... They still love you no matter what. But... (leans closer to Jun) They love me more!

Jun: Yarh noona! Stop it!

Karin: You're jealous...

Jun: Yes!

(Karin rumbles Jun's curly hair. He huffs as he grabs her hand and puts it down. The phone suddenly gets noise with pings sounds)

Jun: Wah, Hope Bunnies send us lots of love! (Jun quickly checks his tab)

Jun: Skinship! Wah, I'm shipping them!! Ki unnie, don't make me feel single! (blush) Guys, don't you think you are being too much...?

(Jun reads the comment again)

Jun: Oppa, do you love Ki Unnie?

(Karin glares at Jun. He then turns his head, facing Karin)

Karin: (mumbles) You better think first before answering...

Jun: Yes. (turns to the camera) Yes, I love Ki Unnie...

(Karin looks at Jun in shock. He smiles, checking his tab for viewers' comments again)

Karin: He must be joking, hahaha! He only plays along, guys! Don't worry, he loves Hope Bunnies more than anything in the world! Trust me!

(Karin nudges Jun's waist. He stares at Karin. A few seconds later, his phone beeps. He checks his phone for a while)

Jun: Okay, sadly we have to end the livestream now! Thank you for the view, Hope Bunnies! We'll see each other soon, okay? Bye bye!

(He stands up, and turns off the camera as fast as he can)


"What's with that, Jun?" I ask. He ignores me and keeps his equipment in his bag. He looks like in a hurry as well.

"Jun, answer me!" I reach for his hand. He stares at me, eyes looking worried.

"We'll talk later..."

"No. Now! What's with that? Do you realize how dangerous it is? Your agency might be joining the live stream-"

I see a lighting coming from his phone. A call.

"Tanya-ssi?" I let my hand go. He mutes himself. Grab the phone from the table and pick up the call.

"Yes. I'm on my way..." he cuts the call.

Just as I thought, he got a phone call from his manager, Tanya. Looks like someone from the agency had joined the livestream and witnessed the love confession made by him just now. That's the first speculation.

"You should go. Call me if you need anything," I back off a bit, giving him a space. He hastily cleaned up his things and donned his bag. He walks towards the front door.

Suddenly, he turns back and runs towards me.



"About the confession, I do mean it. That's not a play-along. It's true. I do love you," my mouth gaps. I can't react properly.

"I won't ask for your answer now. But, please wait for me, okay? I'll come back to you, soon..."

I don't know how. But somehow, I feel like the time stops, the world is getting slower and everything seems... Freeze. When he plants a peck on my forehead, my heart bursts into bubbles.

God, save me!