Chapter 8


"Tea?" Fabian asks as he pours water into a teapot. Ariel sits near the fireplace staring at the flames while I sat at the table. Fabian pours me a cup of tea.

"It'll calm the nerves." he says to me softly and I take it with a small smile. He pours another one and walks over to Ariel who took it without looking at him.

"How did you survive here for so long? I thought all the mages fled after my father began killing them." Ariel asks.

"Well, there are a few smart mages who know how to keep themselves hidden. Not attract attention." Fabian replies, "Although I must say many of us expected this day to come."

"Why didn't you tell the king? My family has been taken captive!"

"Because if any of us told the king, he would kill us on the spot. Maybe the wheel does turn and the king will get what he deserves." He says before leaving the room with his tea.

I stared at Ariel as he just sat there, staring at the flames. I had no idea what he was going through but I could imagine it has to be something similar to when my home town was demolished.

"You were going to kill him." Ariel whispers, "Why? What did my father do to you that you would want him dead?"

"He killed my mother."

"So killing him would, what, make it even? Bring her back?" Ariel begins, his voice rising.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand. You don't know what it's like to live your life on the run. Do you think we mages asked to be this way? We just want a home, and whenever we establish one, your father has the people killed. Your father is a tyrant!" I yell back. Ariel looks taken aback at my words. After a long pause he finally speaks again.

"This circle of killing," Ariel shakes his head, "It has to stop."

"It will." I reply as I stand, "Get some rest, we leave at dawn."

"Where are we going?" Ariel finally looks at me. I stare into his deep green eyes that look as though they belong to a grove of trees in a forest.

"To your mother."


Its been a few hours since we left Fabian's house. I look out at the large expanse of wildernis in front of me. Blue mountains lie to our left as we trek through the green plains. I look over at Jinx who seems to be soaking up the sun before she looks up in the air worried.

"Worried it'll rain?" I ask, not sure what to say.

"No, I just thought that Yashi would've caught up to us by now." Jinx replies looking back at me. I nod, thinking about my brother.

"So Azriel has magic now? How is that possible?" I ask.

"Well it's possible he inherited it from your mother. He's just a late bloomer."

"Has that happened before?" I ask curiously speeding up with Jinx to ride beside her.

"Oh, sure. People develope their powers at different times. Some later than others. Some from an early age. All depends." Jinx says with a smile in my direction. I smile back before I look down at my horse.

"When did you get yours?" I ask looking back up at Jinx. Jinx fills her mouth with air before releasing it, "When I was four, I think. My mother was making dinner and I was hungry, but she told me I had to have patience and wait a little longer. I caused the food to explode from the pots." Jinx laughs at the memory, "Yeah, let's just say I didn't get my favourite dish for a whole month." I chuckle at her joke before I say,

"I'm sorry. About your mother."

Jinx looks at me sadly, "Thank you."

I decide to lighten the mood, "So Azriel gets magic, what do I get?" I joke.

"You, dear prince, get a wish." she replies before nudging her horse to run faster.

There's something about her that makes me feel different. Almost alive. They way she looks at me that doesn't show disgustor hatred but rather understanding. It's kinda hard to explain, like destiny. Maybe we were just ment to find each other. I mean, I can't deny the connection I feel

between us. I just don't know if Jinx feels it as well.