the journey begins


Mizak sat with his father,lord melvor as they chatted while drinking liquor in the evening.

"Your sword skills are good.Don't you get bored at home?',melvor asked.

"I do not stay in the residence all the time,father",mizak said.

Lord melvor drank from his cup,"what do you think about marriage.You're 23 years old and you're not getting younger.

You do know the 2nd princess is in love with you.You've seen her,what do you think about her?",lord melvor asked.

Mizak held his cup close to his lips and he smiled,"she is indeed beautiful.Any man would want her.

But.Thats not my priority,marriage will have to wait until______".

Lord melvor cut him off,"until you complete your tasks" .

Mizak nodded as he drank from his cup.

Lord melvor sighed,"understandable.

You still haven't seen the ghost weaver since the day he stole the boxes of silver,is that right?".

Mizak recalled as he burnt all his paintings of Teri so his father won't find out they met after that day,"Yes.I haven't seen him since then".

Lord melvor heaved a sigh as he slammed the table,aggrieved,"This opportunity slipped through our hands.

If we already had him,finding other guardians won't be a problem".



Elley and Teri chatted as they walked together towards the chief's tent.

"You're saying,you found someone?",elley asked.

"Yes,and it's someone we know",Teri said.

"Who?",she asked curiously.

"The nobleman.The one that followed us that day",Teri said.

"Nobleman?",Teri tried to remember the person and when she did,she clapped her hands,"The suspicious man from that night!".

She furrowed her eyebrows,"but....,him?.You spoke to that suspicious person after that night?".

"I still find him suspicious", Selena's voice said.

"Yes.I've been talking to him for a longtime.

Although,I don't fully trust him,but he is the only one I can think of",Teri said.

"So how did you convince him to come with us?".


I only told him am going on a journey and he begged to come along.

I refused but he kept disturbing my ears it was just too much.I had to pity his poor soul",Teri said as he grinned.

Elley laughed slightly as she curved a smile at the end of her lips",as he should".

They stopped in front of the chief's tent.

It was a big tent and two men stood in front of the tent guarding.

One of them went in to inform the chief.After a few seconds he came out and gave way for Teri to enter while elley was asked to wait outside.

The chief was being pleasured by five naked girls on his bed .

"He's with girls,Teri",he heard Selena's voice said.

Teri panicked as he bent his head,"forgive me!.I wasn't informed that you were busy.forgive me for invading your privacy",he started walking backwards.

"You don't have to worry about things like this,Teri.

Join us.You need to spend time with women You're a man,you need it.Being blind doesn't stop it from doing it's work",the chief said.

Teri's head was still down,"thank you,chief ,but I will politely decline".

The chief got up from the bed wearing only his robe and sighed,"it's fine.You've never been interested".

One of the girls stood up and brought a cup of water for the chief to drink.

He drank it and gave the girl the cup,"thank you" .

He turned to Teri,"Do you need something,my boy?".

Teri fell on his knees and bowed his head to the ground,"when there was no hope for me and my sister,you gave us hope.You rescued us from the streets.

You've provided daily necessities for us.words alone can't express my gratitude.I am!,forever grateful".

The chief crouched and held Teri's arms to raise him up,"you've also helped me all this year's, Teri.Not just me,many others,be it the people in the village or the beggars of the street".


I once told you about the box that was taken away by the merchant when I was sold.

I got it back.Do you remember what I told you I'll do when I find it back?".

The chief smile faded and he looked away,"I do ,I remember".

"I.......,I and my sister,will leave in a few days.The day has come",Teri said.

The chief went silent,"in a few days,you say?".


Dejectedly,the chief looked at him.He exhaled as he placed his hands on Teri's shoulder and patted it,"I can't be angry,you have done so much for people.

It's can take anything you want to travel.

But remember,you are always welcomed here with open arms.

Teri bowed down to him,"thank you!",he cried out.



Mizak was standing on a bridge as he stared at the night sky with his hands on his back.

Teri arrived.

Mizak turned his head and he saw Teri.For the first time,mizak saw Teri on full white clothing and a white blindfold.

"Teri?",mizak called, surprised of his presence.

"Huh.what?, mizak?",Teri was puzzled.

"Strange",Teri muttered to himself.

Mizak turned to him,"what is?".

"I........,I don't know how I got here.I was with the chief and the others in a banquet for my departure tommorow.

It's like.....,it's like,I heard your voice in my head,calling out my".

"You heard my voice?",mizak asked, concerningly.

Teri was still confused,"I......,I have to go back",he flew away.



Elley long Black hair was tied in a ponytail as she sat on her horse.

Teri stood beside her horse wearing ash and black.

"How long do we have to wait for him.we shouldn't have put our hopes on him",elley complained.

"Patience,little sister",Teri said.

They heard the galloping of a horse.

Elley saw mizak from afar and rolled her eyes,"finally".

Mizak arrived.He wore a blue casual clothing.

He came down from the horse and held Teri's hands.

Teri pulled his hand away,"I can't ride a horse, not I can't climb a horse".

"So you don't need my help!",mizak asked as he placed his hands on his waist.

"I don't ",Teri said and mizak climbed his horse.

Teri climbed the horse and sat on the pillion on mizak's horse.

Elley opened the map enthusiastically.

She looked at it,"the day has finally come!,follow me!.

Hyah!,she yelled as she rode her horse and mizak followed behind.

They left the capital and rode away.