Dew city

Dew city was nestled on the slopes of a mountain that bore the same name. The mountain was famous for its misty mornings and dewy evenings, giving the city a mystical aura.

Mizak and Elley led their horses by the reins, following Teri and Prince Ivive to the city gate. They had traveled for many days to reach this destination, where they hoped to find a clue to their quest.

The gate guards inspected their belongings with suspicion, but let them pass without much trouble. However, Selina, Teri's ghostly sister could not enter the city. There was a magical barrier around the city that prevented any spirits from crossing.

Selina bid farewell to Teri with a sad smile, telling him that they would meet again when he completed his task in Dew city. She faded away into the air, leaving Teri with a pang of loneliness.

The city was bustling with activity. Stalls lined the streets, selling all kinds of goods and wares. People walked back and forth on the road, chatting and bargaining. The smell of delicious food wafted from the inns and houses.

In Dew city, they had to meet a merchant named Hoself, as it was written on the back of the map. Hoself was supposed to know something about their quest.

They reached an inn and paid for three rooms and some food. Teri had already told Mizak and Elley that Selina could not enter the city with him.

Mizak helped Teri to his room, carrying the wooden box and their traveling bags. He laid on the bed, feeling exhausted from the journey.

"You shouldn't lie here, you're staying with Prince Ivive," Teri said, standing near the bed.

Mizak exhaled as he dragged Teri by his hand to the bed, making him sit beside him.

Teri gasped as he was dragged to the bed. "Mr. Nobleman, are you crazy?!" he exclaimed as he scooted away.

"I am fully sure you need my help more than Prince Ivive," Mizak said as he touched Teri's nose. Teri smacked his hand away.

"I'll tell the innkeeper that we need bath water," Mizak said as he stood up from the bed.

He turned back to Teri before he reached the door. "Please stay in that position, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I don't need your care," Teri said as Mizak closed the door behind him.


Teri heard a knock at the door.

"Who is that",Teri asked

"It's elley",Teri sister,elley said from outside the door.

"Come in",Teri said.

Elley opened the door and entered the room.She looked anxious and excited.Her eyes sparkled with curiousity and determination,"I need to go to lord Hoself  residence,it's not far from the inn",elley said.

"Someone needs to go with you",Teri said.

"I can handle it alone",elley said, confidently.

"If you need my help,just say so"prince Ivive said as he entered,wearing his ragged cloak.

Elley rolled her eyes,"Am grateful your highness, however I don't need someone who can't fight".

"Then you have to wait for mizak",Teri said.

"I need to go now",elley said,she said impatiently.

Teri sighed,"Then you have to go with prince ivive.twi us better than one".

"Big brother,prince Ivive is less than zero",elley said.She disliked the prince from the day she met him.

Prince Ivive placed his hand on his heart,"it just felt like I was hit by an arrow"",he said sarcastically.

Elley rolled her eyes,"Am going alone",she said as she walked out.

"No worries,I'll follow her",prince Ivive said as he followed her behind.

Teri was in the wooden tub in his room with herbs and flowers in it when Prince Ivive walked into the room.

"You might be wondering why we're late," Prince Ivive said.

"Please stay at the door," Teri said.

"I've already passed the door and we're all men. What are you shy about?" Prince Ivive said as he walked to the bed and sat down on it.

"Elley is on her way. She's currently buying clothes for everyone. She said she knew our measurements by looking at us," Prince Ivive said.

"Buying clothes? We're barely managing to afford food. Why would she buy clothes? That's unlike her," Teri said.

"Let me tell you what happened.

We got to the merchant's residence but they didn't let us in. They said I looked like a madman and they were about to take me away.

Suddenly we heard a carriage behind us.

A man came down from the carriage and asked what the commotion was about.

The guards greeted him and that's how we found out he was the merchant himself.

Elley immediately said that the map brought her here.

He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, 'What is your name?'

'Elley Ereen,' Elley said.

The merchant looked puzzled and scoffed, 'What next are you going to tell me? That Teri Ereen is still alive? The siblings died a long time ago. How dare you deceive me!'

'I am alive and so is my brother. Teri Ereen is still alive. He's in an inn as we speak,' Elley said.

'What about the second one, Darlene?' the merchant asked.

'I can't remember how she looks. I don't know anything about her. My brother said that she went missing. I don't know if she's alive or not,' Elley said.

'Is what you speak the truth?' the merchant asked.

'Yes, my lord. I, Elley Ereen, speak nothing but the truth. However, I am curious. Forgive me if I may be overstepping my boundaries, but you seem to know our names very well. Were you close to my father?' Elley asked.

'I'll send my personal guard to give you an invitation to the banquet tonight. You can get the answers you want after the banquet,' the merchant said.

'Thank you,' Elley said with a smile. She felt a surge of hope and anticipation.

'However, if you're deceiving me, you and the people you came with will be killed by my hands tonight,' the merchant said.

'I understand, my lord,' Elley said. She felt a chill of dread and uncertainty.

The merchant was about to step back into the carriage when Elley interrupted him.

'My lord, please I'll need four invitations,' Elley said.

The merchant didn't say anything and entered his carriage.

He went inside while we waited outside the gates for the invitation letters.

The letters were later brought to us by a guard.

After that, I'm still surprised how Elley got that pouch of gold pieces. That's the money she's using to purchase the clothing.

We will look exquisite tonight, Teri. Finally I can look like my usual self,' Prince Ivive said."

"Thank you for the news,you can go out now,I'll like to get up from the bath tub and dress up",Teri said.

"How will you dress up",prince Ivive asked.

"I can sort it out myself,please take your leave,your highness",Teri said.

Prince Ivive stood up from the bed,"fine.ill leave the room for yourself ".

He scoffed,"so young".

Immediately prince Ivive said those words,he immediately remembered the encounter with that strange person that attacked him and said the words,"so young to die".

"Stop!",Teri yelled.

"Ah,that startled me",prince Ivive said as he turned around and saw Teri's face,it was pale and tense

"Say those words again",Teri said .

"That startled me ",prince Ivive said.

"No,before that",Teri said.

"So young ",prince Ivive said,puzzled by Teri sudden behavior.

"Say it again!",Teri said .

"Is there a problem,Teri?",prince Ivive asked, corncerningly.

Teri relaxed,"it's fine,you can leave the room".