668 Make money as soon as it's good.

He tossed a large bundle of bamboo into the yard. Wang Cuihua asked, "Chuan, why did you cut so much bamboo?"

"A relative of Aunt Zhang has opened a grocery store in town and plans to buy 300 large bamboo baskets for selling, each for ten cents. Aunt Zhang has taken on the task of making these 300 baskets and divided the work among a few families. When she saw me, she also let me make fifty baskets. So, I went up the mountain to cut bamboo," said Xiao Yuchuan. "Cuihua, your Grandma also wanted fifty baskets to work from Aunt Zhang. I ran into Fuquan on the road earlier, and he was also going up the mountain to cut bamboo."

Wang Cuihua was very happy to hear this, "That's nice, fifty baskets will earn some money. Now we have work at home, so Fuquan won't have to go to town to do part-time work all the time."