"Dragon Ball Super F" takes place in a multiverse filled with powerful warriors, alternate dimensions, and unimaginable threats. The story follows Goku and his friends as they encounter a mysterious warrior named Seraphina, who hails from a parallel universe. Seraphina seeks Goku's help to combat the malevolent force known as Xarax, an entity with a hunger for power that threatens to consume entire universes.In their quest to stop Xarax, Goku and his allies embark on a journey that leads them to the enigmatic Cosmic Archives, where they must prove their worthiness by unlocking their inner virtues. Along the way, they unlock a new level of power called "Super F," which surpasses even Super Saiyan Blue.
As they face Xarax and his Galactic Enforcers, our heroes must rely on their virtues, teamwork, and the newfound Super F power to protect Seraphina's universe and the entire multiverse from the clutches of darkness. "Dragon Ball Super F" is a tale of unity, inner strength, and the relentless pursuit of justice in the face of overwhelming odds.