She is his wife

Madam Viona was satisfied with the empty plates that were spread on the dining table as all the meals that were served had been finished by her son. She would prepare all the delicious meals for her son before he left for another battlefield again, thought Madam Viona in her mind.

Taking a sip of warm tea, Canillas stared at his mother as he waited for her reply. Noticing it, Madam Viona shrugged her shoulders and replied, "She said that the weather in Archess didn't suit her, especially when it was cold and humid as the rain had poured down almost non-stop the days before she left. She also said that the rashes on her body were typical of a disease that could only be cured once she returned to Terra, her homeland." The old lady then paused, moving her gaze away from her son who was staring unblinkingly at her, feeling intimidated by the way her son looking at her.

At a moment like this, Madam Viona felt fortunate that the man who was sitting not far from her was her biological child and she knew that he would never hurt her, his biological mother, no matter how complex the emotions he felt. Otherwise, she wouldn't dare sit close to a man whose eyes were keen like an eagle who could see small things at a great distance, not willing to let go of any smallest details from his grasp.

"And mother didn't question her further about that as mother felt afraid to have a longer contact with her on that day," Madam Viona spoke with a lower voice while darting her gaze around before glancing back at the General.

She knew that her son disliked the behavior of someone who valued low or kept a distance from others due to disgust feelings. But what could she do as she was not the type of detached person like her son who could relish anything around him? She would even feel dizzy when she saw blood on the slightly cut finger and collapse when she saw a pool of blood.

On the contrary to the restless feeling of his mother, Canillas sighed at the explanation given by her. He was on the border between relief and worry as he now knew the reason why his wife left Archess. 

Even though he didn't have any single insight about the woman who had become his wife as he hadn't met her in person, he couldn't lie by saying that he wasn't worried after knowing the fact that she left because of sickness.

However, it was also a relief to know that she left not because of the random thought that came to his mind a few moments ago. It was also not because there was a fight between his mother and his wife. Otherwise, it could be a headache for him as both of the women were his family now. It would be hard for him to defend one party and abandon the other.

"I will go to Terra to visit her and take her back here, Mother," Canillas' calm voice filled the silence that was left when both mother and son were deep in each thoughts a few moments ago.

Upon hearing the sudden announcement, Madam Viona turned her head in a swift movement to the direction of the General. She snapped, "Why should you go to Terra to take her back here? It was her choice to leave the von Rodega mansion. Then, it is her choice to go back here herself." Her loud voice took away the tranquility in the room. Her eyes narrowed, filled with abhorrence.

Looking at the General sitting in a relaxed way on the dining chair while sipping tea but giving her no response, Madam Viona frowned and gritted her teeth. "Answer me, Canillas!" She shouted but Canillas didn't even flinch. 

He only let out a heavy sigh before answering, "What else needs to be answered, Mother? It is simply because she is my wife." His whole demeanor was composed, not affected by the furious woman before him. "And she returned to Terra because she was sick so it is normal for me as her husband to visit her and take her back here." Before her mother gave another shout, he added,

"Besides, she is the wife that I haven't met even once. I haven't even known her figure. I was away when she was here, coming from a far kingdom. Do you really think that I don't need to care for her, even though the fact declaring that she is my wife and your daughter-in-law?" asked Canillas, looking at his mother with a slight crease on his brows. 

"She is my wife and your daughter-in-law despite your disapproval, Mother," uttered Canillas in a low voice when he noticed her mother wasn't eager to answer his inquiry, trying to underline the fact that she might forget.

He hoped that his mother would think rationally, opening her mind, even though there was a saying that once anger was peaking, rational thought was shut down.

He wouldn't care for his wife if the reason she left his mansion was not sensible. But when he heard from his mother that she left because of sickness, wasn't it his responsibility to take care of a woman who had become his wife?

Besides, he had wanted to know about his wife. He wanted to see her appearance. He wanted to learn about her characters and personalities. He wanted to find out what kind of person the woman he married. The woman he had chosen among many women even though he knew nothing about her.

He had expected to see the lady once he stepped inside his mansion, expecting the lady to welcome him, her husband, when she heard the news of his return. But what he found was her absence, turning his excitement into disappointment.

Suddenly, a wave of questions came to Canillas' mind. Was she also curious about the man she married to? Or would she resent him because of disappointment as he didn't meet her expectations once she happened to see him?

Canillas let out a sigh. Those were questions where the answers would only be known once he and his wife interacted with each other. Therefore, he should go and take her back to his living place, the place where she belonged to be.