Two men in the room

Author's note:

Dear readers,

I would like to sincerely welcome and thank you all who have added this book to your library and decided to read it. I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me.

To convey my deep gratitude to old readers who have patiently stayed with this book since it was first released and to new readers who just found this book, I have provided a small reward, which is three chapters today, for all of you.

I hope you all find enjoyment in reading the story and thank you so much for your constant support until now.

Happy reading!!! :)


Arriving in front of the drawing room where the door was already opened as if it was prepared to welcome the unexpected guest from a far kingdom, the butler stepped aside to open a way for Canillas, who had walked behind him. 

"His Grace is waiting inside this room, Sir," informed the butler with a slight bow, to which Canillas gave a nod and thanked the butler.

Canillas then stepped inside the room to find Duke John de Lara, his father-in-law, standing in front of a ceiling-to-floor window with his back facing him. It did not take a couple of seconds for the Duke to turn around, offering a kind smile, and walked towards Canillas.

It was truly a surprise that never appeared in his mind to find the great General of Archess to come to his residence although he believed that he was here none other than to solely find Joanna, his wife. There would be no other reasons except for that, as he never once set foot inside Barasca, let alone his mansion.

However, this fact alone was enough to make the Duke feel relieved as it implied that he had an intention of looking for his wife, although the exact reason was still unknown. 

Was he here because he felt offended by the actions of Joanna, who left his house, which made him angry and want to dissolve their marriage just like what was expected by Joanna? Or was he here to take her back to Archess?

The Duke did not know. But apart from any reasons that made the General willing to enter his territory, he could not ask for more, even if the General was here to end his marriage with Joanna. 

The way he directly came to Barasca was enough to show that he respected her as his wife and him as the father of his wife. It was, of course, far more courteous compared to dissolving the marriage or conveying anything of his intention to Joanna through a letter.

He had suggested Joanna reconsider her marriage with the General, advising her to try to live with her husband under the same roof if he opposed her idea of a marriage annulment. 

He wondered if his decision to voice what was in his mind to his daughter, despite her strong objection that was vividly described in her face, was the right option to do.

He contemplated his conduct, wondering if he had disappointed his daughter, who obviously demanded his support although she did not directly voice that. 

But now, with the sudden arrival of the General, who came voluntarily to his territory, the Duke would use this opportunity to observe him closer, to find out whether he had made the right decision to advise his daughter, apart from his reasons for coming here.

But the problem was that he was not familiar with the well-built young man who looked aloof standing in the same room as he was now.

Although he was not in his soldier uniform as he came for a private matter, not to do his military duty, accompanied by the absence of his sword as he might keep it somewhere else in order to respect him and show his humble intention, such an intimidating aura was emitted from him, whose attire was equipped with black fabric armor and a black coat.

It was the second meeting between the Duke and his son-in-law, but the Duke still felt awkward, especially thinking of how to start a conversation with such a distant individual. 

The first meeting occurred when Duke John de Lara attended the banquet that was held by the King of Terra as a sign of gratitude for the success of the General's troops in making the Valthians retreat from Terra.

However, at that time, he was just briefly introduced to the General by the King as his vassal.

He was not familiar with the real personality of his son-in-law as he hadn't had the chance to have a proper conversation with him.

He also did not know the reason for this brave and powerful young man, who had high achievements at such a young age, to choose Joanna as his bride among several Terran noble ladies that had been listed and introduced to him by the King.

If it was said that he chose Joanna because she was the daughter of a duke, Duke John de Lara was not sure about that, as among the list there was also the daughter of the Duke of Cairns.

Therefore, if today was the chance for Duke de Lara to know, even a little bit, about his son-in-law, he would not let the chance slip away.

If the annulment was disapproved, it would be a relief to know the General was a good man who would be a good husband for Joanna, apart from any ulterior motives that made him choose her as his wife.

But if the annulment was approved even after knowing the young General was not a bad person, then the Duke could only hope that his daughter as well as the young General would get the best future after they parted ways.

And if the General was not a good person, then the Duke would completely support his daughter to separate from him, just like what he told her when they had a tense conversation before the surprising news of the General's arrival echoed in the room.

Therefore, in order to get the information that he needed to know, the Duke should welcome Canillas von Rodega warmly this time.

Duke de Lara extended his hand, initiating a handshake, which was directly welcomed by Canillas. "Welcome to the de Lara humble mansion, Sir Canillas von Rodega", greeted the Duke with a smile.

"It is an honor for me to be here, Your Grace," replied Canillas to the greeting of the Duke with a straight face. "And you can please just call me Canillas," demanded Canillas politely.

Hearing the demand, the Duke noticed that the young man, who was having a handshake with him, regarded him as a family as he demanded to address him without the title. It was a hint that he was here not to dissolve his marriage or to have any ill intention, as he did not find any contempt in his facial expression.

However, remembering the intention of his strong-willed daughter to annul their marriage, the Duke could not fulfill the demand yet. Aside from that, he also needed to know more about this young man.

"It would not be appropriate for me to call such a formidable general just by his first name. Let me just call you in the appropriate way, Sir Canillas," the Duke responded, subtly turning down the demand.

"If that could make Your Grace comfortable, then please do as you wish," replied Canillas in a polite tone. 

The Duke smiled at the reply and released his hand from the handshake as it was a proper way for people from the upper class to initiate the handshake and end it first after that.

"I believe that you know my main purpose for coming here, Your Grace," Canillas said right after the cordial handshake ended.