Dear Mister Camel

There was no slight doubt in Joanna's mind about who sent the gift to her after she found out how it was organized.

Joanna then took the rolled letter, and after letting out a sigh on her smiling lips, she untied the light blue ribbon and unrolled the white paper to find what was written on it.

'My dearest ugly sister,

Challenge: I dare you to read one of the books once you find this precious gift.

Wish: You should have known what this handsome brother wished for his forever ugly sister. [Draw of a smiling face]

Happy birthday.

Until we meet again,

Your forever handsome brother'

A chuckle escaped Joanna's lips, and it resonated in the tranquil room after Joanna read the content of the letter that was written by her sole older brother, Phillip de Lara, who was studying in Lasse.