Rising smoke

'Are you going to bring this to Archess?'

Joanna was stunned by what she heard. Why did he still bring up Archess with her?

Wasn't he angry at her? Wasn't he here because he would agree to nullify their marriage?

Those were the questions that ran through Joanna's mind and could not be formed into words to be asked of Canillas. She was just stupefied by everything that happened outside of her prediction.

What she could only do was watch him speak to her in silence while pondering that once again she had failed to predict what would come next from the man before her.

"I said that I would change my mind to have our marriage ended if you had someone dear in your heart whom you wanted to make your husband. But since there is none, I will just go with what I said," Canillas said while keeping on grinding the dried leaves into grounded ones. He did not lift his head while speaking, as if trying to reassure the stupefied woman.