A little bit more

What made it different from her experience in the deep forest was that her dagger was currently not with her to stop the intimate movement of the General.

However, despite the absence of the dagger, Joanna was compelled not to prolong any kind of intimate gesture that was getting dangerous and worrying with time, and that was made by the General who was not willing to cooperate with her.

"Please let go of me, Sir Canillas. It's really time to wake up. We have to leave for Cresca as early as possible. Father won't like it if we arrive there too late."

Canillas heard Joanna repeat what she had asked from him, for longer reasons this time, as she seemed eager to be free from him, not even enjoying their moment together.

"I will really be angry if you keep doing this, Sir Canillas. I am not joking. I really don't like it. Let me go now!"