The symbol of the union

Sitting alone on the edge of the bed, Joanna stared at the brown-colored leather pouch that lay on the table next to her bed. 

She lost count of how much time had passed since she sat there with her eyes fixed on that object. She only remembered that she was still in that position right after she finished all her nightly routines and was ready to call it a night.

Wedding ring. It was the subject that had never come to her mind in the slightest, even after holding the status of a married woman, as if she forgot that she was married or was oblivious about what was supposed to be part of a wedding ritual.

She, however, could not help but admit that she would probably have thought about that if her mind was not occupied by the aftereffects of the dream that she had that night. And still, it was the nightmare that occupied most of her mind, taking control of her every action against her marriage.